Convergence Criterion 里默认是 absolute,然后下拉菜单有;
而文章中所谓的 “the relative error between successive iterations” 到底属于absolute 还是 relative呢?
is the default and is available for steady-state cases. The residual (scaled and/or normalized) of an equation at an iteration is compared with a user-specified value. If the residual is less than the user-specified value, that equation is deemed to have converged for a time step.
is where the residual of an equation at an iteration of a time step is compared with the residual at the start of the time step. If the ratio of the two residuals is less than a user-specified value, that equation is deemed to have converged for a time step.absolute是将该步计算所得值与给定值(初始化值?)进行比较所得的残差;relative是当前时间步长所得残差与初始时间步长所的残差的比较值。
那么文章中所指到底是哪种残差?还望各位大神不吝赐教~ -
按照我个人的理解 是要求每步的残差指标都到-5以下 这种方法对于瞬态研究比较成熟
一般-5的指标实际上比较难以达到 -4比较容易 所以下调到-5的时候 你的瞬态能够在继续降低每步带来的时间离散的误差 这种误差是积累的 所以-5的指标比-4 在一个多时间步瞬态下 对结果的严谨性提升是很大的 我个人也是这样要求的 但是要达到这种要求不是容易的 尤其对于最初的几步有一些要求 对于初始的湍流指标 假设你是RANS系的 也是有要求的