@李东岳 在 LES和RANS在代码中实现过程是怎样的? 中说:
no. 不会是稍微改动一下就可以了。rans和les是俩个派系,MFIX不支持les?MFIX什么语言写的?如果已经植入了kepsilon,你要变成其他rans方法是稍微简单点的。要做les,你得写滤波器和,例如,Smagotinky模型。
大神你好,我在 OpenFOAM 看到,可以使用隐式滤波啊,就是把网格本身当作一个空间滤波,并且 OF 里边大部分LES模型都是这么做的,除了 dynamic 型之外。
假设我是用 Smagorinsky model ,这样的话,代码中,就只有 mut 的区别了,另外还有网格疏密不一样。
这样的话,怎么理解 LES 和 RANS 之间的差别呢? -
For what concerns MFIX, implementing LES would require to implement some additional numerical scheme, and develop an LES model which is suitable for multiphase flows. There are a few efforts in this direction, but it remains an active area of research.
在Chalmers大学的Lars Davidson教授的讲义《Fluid mechanics, turbulent flow and turbulence modeling》
里边提到,RANS 代码改成 LES,需要做的就是,1.加入SGS模型,2.修改对流项离散格式,3.修改时间离散格式。
修改这两个格式是因为不能引入额外的 numerical dissipation。
他还给了一个例子,把对流项离散格式改成中心差分,时间离散改成Crank-Nicolson 格式。 -
@浪迹天大 是这样的,我最近也在读OpenFOAM中LES模型,发现Lund提到
The nearly universal approach is to simply write down the filtered Navier-Stokes equations together with an assumed model for the subgrid-scale stresses and then apply the desired spatial discretization to this “filtered” system. Although it is rarely mentioned, what one is doing by adopting this procedure is to imagine that the finite support of the computational mesh together with the low-pass characteristics of the discrete differentiating operators act as an effective filter. One then directly associates the computed velocity field with the filtered velocity. This procedure will be referred to as implicit filtering since an explicit filtering operation never appears in the solution procedure.
也就是说OpenFOAM程序除了动态模型外都没有对N-S方程进行显式的滤波操作,那么我们在方程植入中只要修改 就OK了,我在后面会做几个滤波函数的选择的对比,看看最后结果一样不一样