对于Open FOAM 模拟波浪的一些思考
The VOF method in OpenFOAM is doubted by lacking one important step: ‘free-surface reconstruction.’ The VOF method is ideal for studying the wave dynamics. It includes two major steps: 1. Re-distribute fluid mass based on the VOF equation. 2. Reconstruct the free-surface for accurately estimating the volume flux on each cell face. The first step was included in the OpenFOAM. However, the second one is not. It results on the smoke-like breaking waves in OpenFOAM.希望引起大神的共鸣,一起进行讨论。
@子仲无未 重构完全是对几何形状进行操作,对于非结构化网格比较麻烦。不过已经有人在 OpenFOAM 中实现了对自由面 VoF 求解的界面重构 [1],从作者给出的结果来看,新方法比 MULES 好不少。不过代码还未开源。
@金石为开 interFoan里就没有界面重构这个过程。
@Hunahum 在 对于Open FOAM 模拟波浪的一些思考 中说:
理论上是可以的,也有人实现[1][2],从作者的结果来看,效果也很不错。只是我们大多拘泥于OpenFOAM自带的两相流液面捕捉方法,该方法是在Weller(2002)[3]对VOF修正的基础上来的,对流项采用 MUSCL 格式。之前我们也做过验证,如果网格比较细,其实现有的VOF方法对液面的捕捉还是可以的,只是细微看会有问题。看别人文献PLIC-VOF方法好像也不错,不过没有做过,有人用OF搞过吗。或者用OF做过其他液面捕捉的方法,能否探讨下?
[1] https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sara_Moghtadernejad/publication/281412597_Coupled_Level_Set_and_Volume_of_Fluid_method_in_OpenFoam_with_application_to_compressible_two-Phase_flow/links/55f86fa308ae07629dd55ae3.pdf
[2] http://repozitorij.fsb.hr/5004/1/Comparative_Tukovic.pdf
[3] Weller, H.G., 2002. Derivation, modelling and solution of the conditionally averaged two-phase flow
equations. Technical Report TR/HGW/02. Nabla Ltd -
@wwzhao @金石为开
我这两天看了这篇文章,里面写的interfoam的理论部分还比较详细。Evaluating the performance of the two-phase flow solver interFoam
请问您那里有第三篇文章的原文吗,在网上怎么找也找不到。[3] Weller, H.G., 2002. Derivation, modelling and solution of the conditionally averaged two-phase flow equations. Technical Report TR/HGW/02. Nabla Ltd -