--> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::dynamicRefineFvMesh::unrefine(const labelList&) in file dynamicRefineFvMesh/dynamicRefineFvMesh.C at line 546 Cannot find surfaceScalarField ((interpolate(grad(psi))|(mag(interpolate(grad(psi)))+(1e-06|dimChange)))&S) in user-provided flux mapping table 7 ( phi none rhoPhi none rhoPhiH none nHatf none alphaPhi10 none ghf none alphaPhi none ) The flux mapping table is used to recreate the flux on newly created faces. Either add the entry if it is a flux or use (((interpolate(grad(psi))|(mag(interpolate(grad(psi)))+(1e-06|dimChange)))&S) none) to suppress this warning.
(((interpolate(grad(psi))|(mag(interpolate(grad(psi)))+(1e-06|dimChange)))&S) none)
@李东岳 李老师,这是我自己的求解器,但是这个通量我也不知道为什么会出来
我在dynamicMeshDict加了您说的这个,结果报错,可能是代码的问题。correctFluxes ( (phi none) (rhoPhiH none) (nHatf none) (rhoPhi none) (alphaPhi none) (ghf none) (alphaPhi10 none) (phi_0 none) (((interpolate(grad(psi))|(mag(interpolate(grad(psi)))+(1e-06|dimChange)))&S) none) );
[0] --> FOAM FATAL IO ERROR: [0] wrong token type - expected word, found on line 56 the punctuation token '(' [0] [0] file: /home/oufool/OpenFOAM/oufool-5.0/run/bubblecol/bubblecol9/constant/dynamicMeshDict.correctFluxes at line 56. [0] [0] From function Foam::Istream& Foam::operator>>(Foam::Istream&, Foam::word&) [0] in file primitives/strings/word/wordIO.C at line 74. [0] FOAM parallel run exiting
2021年8月25日 13:08
2021年8月26日 02:29