- Line 52 reads "Since the calculation of pressure wave propagation in a single medium is fully developed (Koch et al., 2016; Li et al., 2019; Miller et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2020)". Modelling pressure wave propagation remains a significant challenge for the semi-implicit methods cited here. Especially the work of Koch et al. and Miller et al. are very questionable works in this respect, as they use first-order time differencing which is arguably a poor choice if pressure waves are to be approximated accurately.
2.Generally, the PIMPLE algorithm is widely used for pressure-velocity decoupling in incompressible flows. However, the subject of this study appears to be compressible multiphase flow. What is the purpose of using PIMPLE for pressure iteration correction in this context?
- Line 52 reads "Since the calculation of pressure wave propagation in a single medium is fully developed (Koch et al., 2016; Li et al., 2019; Miller et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2020)". Modelling pressure wave propagation remains a significant challenge for the semi-implicit methods cited here. Especially the work of Koch et al. and Miller et al. are very questionable works in this respect, as they use first-order time differencing which is arguably a poor choice if pressure waves are to be approximated accurately.
Line 52 reads "Since the calculation of pressure wave propagation in a single medium is fully developed (Koch et al., 2016; Li et al., 2019; Miller et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2020)". Modelling pressure wave propagation remains a significant challenge for the semi-implicit methods cited here. Especially the work of Koch et al. and Miller et al. are very questionable works in this respect, as they use first-order time differencing which is arguably a poor choice if pressure waves are to be approximated accurately.
Generally, the PIMPLE algorithm is widely used for pressure-velocity decoupling in incompressible flows. However, the subject of this study appears to be compressible multiphase flow. What is the purpose of using PIMPLE for pressure iteration correction in this context?
自从OF11之后,密度基求解器里面的求解变量变成原始变量了,之前都是守恒变量。我还没细看OF11的算法。得看一下再看看怎么回事 @尚善若水
Generally, the PIMPLE algorithm is widely used for pressure-velocity decoupling in incompressible flows. However, the subject of this study appears to be compressible multiphase flow. What is the purpose of using PIMPLE for pressure iteration correction in this context?