用了这么久的 Malvern 和 Fluent,才知道它俩是一个人发明的
He is internationally pre-eminent as co-inventor of the Malvern laser diffraction particle/droplet sizing instrument that twice won the Queen’s Award for Export. He is co-author of the FLUENT Computational Fluid Dynamic code that led to his International Award by the Finnish Prime Minister of the Ahlstrom Prize, plus several other International Awards by the AIAA, ASME, etc. (The development of computational fluid dynamics, where FLUENT is the world market leader, is arguably one of the most significant developments in modern Engineering.
@李东岳 Malvern Spraytec Spray particle and spray droplet size measurement. 测量喷雾雾滴粒径的仪器。老爷子太牛了。
2017年8月10日 03:13
2017年8月10日 07:32