@东岳 李老师,我有ryzen1700,请问怎么测试性能?
兄弟们有人用过这个没有,AMD的EPYC 7601。最近才发现A厂官方竟然拿7601做CFD测试,最多的网格数量3个亿,真有钱。这个处理器有这么暴殄天物么?下图:
另外有网友用OpenFOAM做的测试,也是AMD EPYC系列的,型号略低
A quite compelling comeback for AMD in terms of CFD performance. Their new Epyc lineup delivers exactly what Intel has only increased incrementally over the past few years: memory bandwidth.
总结:牙膏厂几年一直在慢悠悠的增加内存带宽,AMD一下子就干翻!Although the AMD system in this benchmark ran slower DDR4-2133 instead of the maximum supported 2666MT/s, it beats the Intel-system even in terms of per-core performance. Using all its cores, it pulls ahead of Intel by up to 63%.
总结:提升63%!Which brings us to the costs: Epyc 7301 CPUs cost ~920€ - if they are available which is still a problem. For that kind of money all Intel has to offer are Xeon Silver with 12 cores and support for DDR4-2400. So when you are on a limited budget for a CFD workstation or need cost-efficient cluster nodes, you should consider AMD.
They are back!
AMD 感觉就像联通,其实在某些方面有很大的优势,常常被低估。
这面是dell的工作站 -
@星星星星晴 感觉这个就是为黑而黑了,看测评AMD家的功耗控制很好的
@东岳 过两天我测试一下6142