在Open FOAM里怎么在snappyHexMeshDict里面将某两个面定义为周期性边界啊。我在snappyHexMeshDict里面没有定义成功,就想用createPatchDict制造两个Patch,但提示如下错误,说两个面的face数不一样。所以想问一下大家应该怎样在snappyHexMeshDict里面定义周期性边界?
geometry { sector_part1 { type triSurfaceMesh; file "sector_part1.stl"; } sector_part2 { type triSurfaceMesh; file "sector_part2.stl"; } sector4 { type triSurfaceMesh; file "sector4.stl"; regions { patch0 { name patch0; type patch; } patch1 { name patch1; type symmetry; } patch2 { name patch2; type patch; } patch3 { name patch3; type cyclic; matchTolerance 0.0001; neighbourPatch patch4; transform noOrdering; } patch4 { name patch4; type cyclic; matchTolerance 0.0001; neighbourPatch patch3; transform noOrdering; } } } propellerL { type triSurfaceMesh; file "propellerL.stl"; } };
上面是我的snappyHexMeshDict的一部分,但是这样定义的cyclic 的type好像并没有生效。所以应该怎么定义呢?
所以应该怎么做呢,直接在block Mesh里定义吗?这样就要用block Mesh生成一个扇形域?
--> FOAM FATAL ERROR: face 5120 area does not match neighbour by 2.02625% -- possible face ordering problem. patch:cyclic1 my area:6.14979e-05 neighbour area:6.02643e-05 matching tolerance:0.0001 Mesh face:3995462 fc:(0.0020217 0.0037764 5.81648) Neighbour fc:(-0.00217946 0.00377493 5.81651) If you are certain your matching is correct you can increase the 'matchTolerance' setting in the patch dictionary in the boundary file. Rerun with cyclic debug flag set for more information. From function void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms(const primitivePatch&, const pointField&, const vectorField&, const pointField&, const vectorField&) in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicPolyPatch.C at line 212. FOAM exiting
@莫晓柒 在 用snappyHexMeshDict生成周期性边界问题 中说:
does not match neighbour
我用fluent3DMeshToFoam转化成OpenFOAM的网格的时候也遇到了does not match neighbour这个问题;我是手动改成cyclic边界的,貌似是要用createPatch的方法?
@东岳 谢谢东岳老师
“I encountered the same problem and I could solve it by defining rotational periodicity and then by declaring the corresponding vertices in ICEM as periodic. Then Right Click on Faces in the Blocking tree -> Periodic Faces -> ensure that really every periodic face is colored accordingly. createPatch went fine after this procedure.” ---by Fabian E.
但我不太清楚为何这样会消除错误? -
@Calf-Z-DNS 在 用snappyHexMeshDict生成周期性边界问题 中说:
@东岳 谢谢东岳老师
“I encountered the same problem and I could solve it by defining rotational periodicity and then by declaring the corresponding vertices in ICEM as periodic. Then Right Click on Faces in the Blocking tree -> Periodic Faces -> ensure that really every periodic face is colored accordingly. createPatch went fine after this procedure.” ---by Fabian E.
但我不太清楚为何这样会消除错误?请问同学可以告知是怎么设置的吗,icem里面有face pericdic吗?我这里只设置了点对称
@李东岳 网格是用
代码patches ( { name cyclic1; patchInfo { type cyclic; neighbourPatch cyclic2; transform rotational; rotationAxis (0 0 1); rotationCentre (0 0 0); matchTolerance 1e10; } constructFrom patches; patches (cyclic_1); set f0; } { name cyclic2; patchInfo { type cyclic; neighbourPatch cyclic1; transform rotational; rotationAxis (0 0 1); rotationCentre (0 0 0); matchTolerance 1e10; } constructFrom patches; patches (cyclic_2); set f0; } );
--> FOAM FATAL ERROR: More than one patch accessing the same transform but not of the same sign. patch:cyclic2 transform:0 sign:1 current transforms:1(1) From function Foam::label Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::addToTransformIndex(Foam::label, Foam::label, bool, Foam::scalar) const in file lnInclude/globalIndexAndTransformI.H at line 210. FOAM exiting