, 是多少,WALE模型的LES要求近壁面的 几乎为0吧。 -
@心里的小漩涡 在 fluent用LES算水翼边界层选择中心差分引起的震荡如何消除 中说:
@李东岳 李老师,这个在OpenFOAM里面能直接设置吗?
@xiezhuoyu LUST格式是线性迎风与线性的混合,权重是0.25与0.75,不过可以相对简单的改一下权重
@李东岳 在 fluent用LES算水翼边界层选择中心差分引起的震荡如何消除 中说:
这个倒是找到一个很有意思的格式("Blends two schemes based on the local face-based Courant number"),
div(phi,U) Gauss CoBlended 0.01 // Co below which scheme1 is used linear // scheme1 0.05 // Co above which scheme2 is used LUST grad(U); // scheme2
@xiezhuoyu Nice! 挺有意思
Description 28 Two-scheme Courant number based blending differencing scheme. 29 30 Similar to localBlended but uses a blending factor computed from the 31 face-based Courant number and the lower and upper Courant number limits 32 supplied: 33 \f[ 34 weight = 1 - max(min((Co - Co1)/(Co2 - Co1), 1), 0) 35 \f] 36 where 37 \vartable 38 Co1 | Courant number below which scheme1 is used 39 Co2 | Courant number above which scheme2 is used 40 \endvartable 41 42 The weight applies to the first scheme and 1-weight to the second scheme. 43 44 Example of the CoBlended scheme specification using LUST for Courant numbers 45 less than 1 and linearUpwind for Courant numbers greater than 10: 46 \verbatim 47 divSchemes 48 { 49 . 50 . 51 div(phi,U) Gauss CoBlended 1 LUST grad(U) 10 linearUpwind grad(U); 52 . 53 . 54 } 55 \endverbatim 56 57 SourceFiles 58 CoBlended.C
2020年11月29日 15:21
2023年12月1日 08:12