最近在使用OF计算环形浮体的自衰减,采用k-omega SST模型,网格基于SHM离散,但是边角处的边界层始终贴合不上,请大神支支招。
边界贴合质量:尝试通过提升stl质量(SW和犀牛加密)/增加surfaceFeatureExtractDict-includedAngle/提升snappyHexMeshDict-features和refinementSurfaces level均没能很好地将边角贴合地很好。远看质量还行,但是边角网格质量细看却很差,请问有何提升方法
基于k-omega SST计算的yplus在1000左右,首层边界层设置为1.75mm,发现是在内环面拐角处边界层未添加上,尝试好多办法均无法添加,大家有没有添加的办法
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: v2306 | | \\ / A nd | Website: | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object snappyHexMeshDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // castellatedMesh true; snap true; addLayers true; geometry { WECMiddle.stl { type triSurfaceMesh; name WECMiddle; regions { OBJECT // Defined in .stl file { name WECMiddle; } } } WECMiddleWaveElevationRefineZone { type searchableBox; min (-17.5 -17.5 -1.25); max (17.5 17.5 11.25); } WECMiddleCornerRefineZone1 { type searchableCone; point1 (0 0 -1.5); radius1 12.75; innerRadius1 7.25; point2 (0 0 -1); radius2 12.75; innerRadius2 7.25; } WECMiddleCornerRefineZone2 { type searchableCone; point1 (0 0 11); radius1 12.75; innerRadius1 7.25; point2 (0 0 11.5); radius2 12.75; innerRadius2 7.25; } }; castellatedMeshControls { maxLocalCells 200000000; maxGlobalCells 300000000; minRefinementCells 20; nCellsBetweenLevels 3; maxLoadUnbalance 0.1; allowFreeStandingZoneFaces true; resolveFeatureAngle 30; features ( { file "WECMiddle.eMesh"; level 5; } ); refinementSurfaces { WECMiddle { level (3 3); // 1.25/2/2^3 0.0781 patchInfo { type wall; } regions { WECMiddle { level (3 3); patchInfo { type wall; } } } } } refinementRegions { WECMiddleWaveElevationRefineZone { mode inside; levels ((2 2)); } WECMiddleCornerRefineZone1 { mode inside; levels ((4 4)); } WECMiddleCornerRefineZone2 { mode inside; levels ((4 4)); } } locationInMesh (0 0 0); // Generate meshes outside the body } snapControls { tolerance 2; implicitFeatureSnap false; explicitFeatureSnap true; multiRegionFeatureSnap true; detectNearSurfacesSnap true; nSmoothPatch 5; nSolveIter 300; nRelaxIter 8; nFeatureSnapIter 10; nSmoothInternal 5; nFaceSplitInterval 5; } addLayersControls { layers { WECMiddle { nSurfaceLayers 15; } } relativeSizes false; //thickness 0.1; firstLayerThickness 0.00175; //finalLayerThickness 0.1; expansionRatio 1.25; featureAngle 360; slipFeatureAngle 0; nGrow 0; nBufferCellsNoExtrude 0; minMedialAxisAngle 90; maxFaceThicknessRatio 0.5; maxThicknessToMedialRatio 0.3; minThickness 1e-06; nLayerIter 60; nRelaxIter 5; nSmoothSurfaceNormals 10; nSmoothNormals 3; nSmoothThickness 10; nRelaxedIter 20; nMedialAxisIter 10; } meshQualityControls { minVol 1e-20; minTetQuality 1e-20; minArea 1e-20; minTwist 0.05; minDeterminant 1e-06; minFaceWeight 0.02; minVolRatio 0.01; minTriangleTwist -1; minFlatness 0.5; maxNonOrtho 70; maxBoundarySkewness 20; maxInternalSkewness 4; maxConcave 80; nSmoothScale 4; errorReduction 0.75; relaxed { minVol 1e-30; minTetQuality 1e-30; minArea 1e-30; minTwist 0.001; minDeterminant 1e-06; minFaceWeight 1e-06; minVolRatio 0.01; minTriangleTwist -1; minFlatness 0.5; maxNonOrtho 75; maxBoundarySkewness 20; maxInternalSkewness 8; maxConcave 80; nSmoothScale 4; errorReduction 0.75; } } mergeTolerance 1e-08; debug 0; // ************************************************************************* //
- 首层边界层目前为1.75mm是调试很多次后得到的最小厚度,但仍然不满足要求,请问大家有没有进一步降低的方法
浮体外半径12.5m,内半径7.5m 高度12.5m 向上提升5m做自衰减 -
@xpqiu 感谢大佬回复,问题已解决 请问大佬有遇到过多重overset计算错误的问题吗
2023年10月22日 12:40
2023年11月25日 07:44