dimensions [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];internalField uniform (0 0 0);
#includeEtc "caseDicts/setConstraintTypes""(BLADES|HUB_DISK|HUB|HUB_COVER|HULL*.*)" { type movingWallVelocity; value uniform (0 0 0); } inlet { type fixedValue; value $internalField; } outlet { type inletOutlet; value uniform (0 0 0); inletValue uniform (0 0 0 ); } "(atmosphere)" { type pressureInletOutletVelocity; value $internalField; } "(overset-1|oversetPatch)" { type overset; }
dynamicFvMesh dynamicOversetFvMesh;solvers
motionSolverLibs (libfvMotionSolvers);
motionSolver solidBody;
solidBodyMotionFunction drivenLinearMotion;
cellSet c0;
cOfGdisplacement CofG;
}boat_propeller { motionSolverLibs (librigidBodyMeshMotion); motionSolver rigidBodyMotion; report on; cellSet cHullProp; cOfGdisplacement CofG; bodyIdCofG 1; solver { type Newmark; } accelerationRelaxation 0.8; accelerationDamping 0.9; nIter 3; bodies { hull { type rigidBody; parent root; mass 2787; centreOfMass (0.178 0 0.3323); inertia (564 0 0 8535 0 8535); // Transformation tensor and centre of rotation transform (1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1) (0.178 0 0.3323); joint { type composite; joints ( { type Pxyz; } { type Ry; } ); } patches ( HULL HULL_DISK ); innerDistance 100; outerDistance 200; } propeller { type rigidBody; parent hull; centreOfMass (-3.405396 -0.000044 0.129544); mass 0.3; transform (1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1) (-3.583 -0.000044 -0.202706); inertia (0.000556833 0 0 0.36905863 0 0.36858374); patches ( BLADES HUB HUB_DISK ); innerDistance 100; outerDistance 200; joint { type Rx; } } } restraints { force { type externalForce; body hull; location (-3.386 0 0.21); force table ( (0 (500 0 0)) (10 (2000 0 0)) (20 (2000 0 0)) ); } } }
type externalForce; body hull; location (-3.386 0 0.21); force table ( (0 (500 0 0)) (10 (2000 0 0)) (20 (2000 0 0))
@wangwang 在 ofv2212版本里的rigidbodyhull案例的一些疑问 中说:
type externalForce; body hull; location (-3.386 0 0.21); force table ( (0 (500 0 0)) (10 (2000 0 0)) (20 (2000 0 0))
下方的force table下的参数是怎样的运行逻辑呢
@csj1246957849 你好,我猜可能是这样,我没用过这个,仅供参考。
@wangwang 谢谢,这个force有可能是螺旋桨给予船舶的推力吗
@csj1246957849 这个力在x方向上,大概就是推力了
@hachikoi 注意到了,似乎在螺旋桨与船连接处存在了一个disk薄片,