CFX前处理中的Turbulence Numerics与Advection Scheme的区别
在CFX前处理中的Turbulence Numerics的First order、High resolutin跟Advection Scheme中的upwind、High Resolution有什么区别??分别代表什么意思?
- Advection Scheme 是动量方程对流项的离散格式
- Turbulence Numerics 是湍流输运方程对流项的离散格式
See "15.5.5. Advection Scheme for Turbulence Equations"
Irrespective of the Advection Scheme setting, the advection scheme for the turbulence model equations depends on the Turbulence Numerics option: ...
Note that Turbulence Numerics option also specifies the transient scheme for the turbulence model equations (see Turbulence Numerics in the CFX-Pre User's Guide). This can be overridden in CFX-Pre in the Solver Control details view on the Equation Class Settings tab.
2017年5月31日 12:26
2017年6月10日 06:26