compressibleInterFoam 耦合多组分传输模型
@mohui 类似与reactingFoam的YEqn。就是每个组分都是一个标量扩散方程。l
@Zhong-combustion 那你的意思是指组分是可溶的吗?互相扩散?
@mohui 是的。但是两相直接不应该扩散,两相质量交换的方式应该是相变。
@Zhong-combustion 目前我写了个关于compressibleinterfoam添加空化源项的求解器,但是拿试验验证不是很好。
@Zhong-combustion 您好,请问您实现这个功能了嘛,可以交流一下吗~
不知道各位老师有没有看过米兰理工Cuoci教授的《DropletSMOKE++: A comprehensive multiphase CFD framework for the evaporation of multidimensional fuel droplets》,他研究了燃料液滴蒸发,但他的YEqn.H方程我有点不太明白,有兴趣的老师可以分享一下自己的见解嘛~
:/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Description Based on Banerjee (2013) the saturation mass fraction equation is solved. It is assumed that all the liquid phase has the saturation interfacial concentration and it diffuses from all the volume. Afterwards the liquid concentration is posed = 1 (for monocomponent cases). \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Mass Fluxes #include "correctDiffusionFluxes.H" if(speciesEquations == true) { double tStart = OpenSMOKE::OpenSMOKEGetCpuTime(); // Convection discretization schemes tmp<fv::convectionScheme<scalar> > mvConvection ( fv::convectionScheme<scalar>::New ( mesh, fields, rhoPhi, mesh.divScheme("div(rhoPhi,Yi)") ) ); volScalarField Yt = 0.0*Y[0]; // Solving transport equations for the saturation mass fraction of liquid species Ysat for (label i=0; i<NLS; i++) { volScalarField& Yi = Y[LiquidSpeciesIndices(i)]; volScalarField& rhoDmixi = rhoDmix[LiquidSpeciesIndices(i)]; volScalarField& Keqi = Keq[i]; volScalarField& Ysati = Ysat[i]; volScalarField& Xsati = Xsat[i]; dimensionedScalar MWi( "Mi", dimensionSet(1,0,0,0,-1,0,0),thermodynamicsMapXML->MW(LiquidSpeciesIndices(i)) ); Ysati = alpha1*Keqi + alpha2*Ysati; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Description The diffusion fluxes must be corrected with the molecular weight, because the diffusivity coefficients are molar-based. Having mass-fraction equation instead of a molar-fraction one, a MW correction is needed ( Transport Phenomena, p.534 ) \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ volScalarField correctionMolarFluxes = rhoDmixi; if(mwCorrectionInDiffusionFluxes == true) { correctionMolarFluxes = rhoDmixi* 1./(MWsat*MWinert)* 1./ Foam::pow( Ysati/MWi+(1.-Ysati)/MWinert , 2.0); } // Solve liquid species equation fvScalarMatrix YsatiEqn ( fvm::ddt(rho, Ysati) + mvConvection->fvmDiv(rhoPhi, Ysati) - fvm::laplacian(correctionMolarFluxes, Ysati) == // - fvm::div(Jc,Ysati, "div(Jc,Ysati)") fvOptions(rho, Ysati) ); // Solve YsatiEqn.relax(); fvOptions.constrain(YsatiEqn); YsatiEqn.solve(mesh.solver("T")); fvOptions.correct(Ysati); Ysati = alpha1*Keqi + alpha2*Ysati; Xsati = Ysati/( MWi * (Ysati/MWi + (1.-Ysati)/MWinert) ); Yi = alpha1 + Ysati*alpha2; Yi.correctBoundaryConditions(); Yi.max(0.0); Yt += Yi; } // Solving transport equations for the gas species (not entering the liquid phase, like O2, CO2, reaction products...) for (label i=0; i<NGS; i++) { volScalarField& Yi = Y[GasSpeciesIndices(i)]; volScalarField& rhoDmixi = rhoDmix[GasSpeciesIndices(i)]; volScalarField& Ygasi = Ygas[i]; Ygasi = alpha1*(1.0-sumYi)*GaseousInterfaceRatio[i]/(1.0+GaseousInterfaceRatio[i]) + alpha2*Ygasi; fvScalarMatrix YgasiEqn ( fvm::ddt(rho, Ygasi) + mvConvection->fvmDiv(rhoPhi, Ygasi) - fvm::laplacian(rhoDmixi, Ygasi) == fvOptions(rho, Ygasi) ); // Solve YgasiEqn.relax(); fvOptions.constrain(YgasiEqn); YgasiEqn.solve(mesh.solver("Yi")); fvOptions.correct(Ygasi); Ygasi = alpha1*(1.0-sumYi)*GaseousInterfaceRatio[i]/(1.0+GaseousInterfaceRatio[i]) + alpha2*Ygasi; Yi = alpha2*Ygasi; Yi.correctBoundaryConditions(); // Sum of mass fractions Yi.max(0.0); Yt += Yi; } Info << "Inert species is " << Y[inertIndex].name() << " with local index equal to " << inertIndex << endl; Y[inertIndex] = scalar(1.0) - Yt; Y[inertIndex].max(0.0); double tEnd = OpenSMOKE::OpenSMOKEGetCpuTime(); Info << "Transport equations of species solved in " << tEnd - tStart << " s " << endl; }
2017年8月14日 02:00
2023年11月11日 05:36