@gemini 谢谢您,服务fluent版本跟调试用的是一致的,我去试试修改成您说的这样
fluent的journal文件问题 -
Reading journal file /home/inspur/linhong/470/0213/test.jou... > ;Read case file rc v6.cas WARNING: Rank:0 Machine gpu01 has 42 % of RAM filled with file buffer caches. This can cause potential performance issues. Please use -cflush flag to flush the cache. Multicore processors detected. Processor affinity set! Reading "v6.cas"... Buffering for file scan... 10174406 mixed cells, zone 2864, binary. Warning: reading 12 partition grid onto 18 compute node machine; will auto partition. 10174406 cell partition ids, zone 2864, 12 partitions, binary. 4808 polygonal wall faces, zone 40, binary. 85108 polygonal wall faces, zone 43, binary. 97197 polygonal symmetry faces, zone 39, binary. 8154 polygonal pressure-outlet faces, zone 42, binary. 8119 polygonal pressure-inlet faces, zone 41, binary. 33937451 mixed interior faces, zone 2866, binary. 14103544 nodes, binary. 14103544 node flags, binary. Warning: this is a single-precision solver. Building... mesh auto partitioning mesh by Metis (fast), distributing mesh parts.................., faces.................., nodes.................., cells.................., bandwidth reduction using Reverse Cuthill-McKee: 683158/20189 = 33.8381 materials, interface, domains, mixture air water interaction zones, domain (air) interior--domain (air) inlet (air) outlet (air) symmetry (air) hull (air) wall (air) domain (water) interior--domain (water) inlet (water) outlet (water) symmetry (water) hull (water) wall (water) wall hull symmetry outlet inlet interior--domain domain parallel, Note: 3d, double precision, pressure-based, VOF, SST k-omega, transient case read into 3d, pressure-based, VOF, SST k-omega, transient solver. Done. Error: state/object/set-state:Rules not found for object type path: /Report/MeshMetricsSettings Error Object: () > ;Read dat file rd v6.dat Reading "v6.dat"... Parallel variables... Done. > ;autosave data file file/autosave/data-frequency 1000 > ;not overwrite file/autosave/overwrite-existing-files invalid command [overwrite-existing-files] no > ;filename file/autosave/root-name v6-res > solve/set/time-step 1e-4 > Error: = (equal): invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a number] Error Object: #f solve/dual-time-iterate 50000 10 > ;Write data file wd 6-res.dat Fast-loading "/opt/software/ansys_inc/v202/fluent/fluent20.2.0/addons/afd/lib/hdfio.bin" Done. Writing to gpu01:"/home/inspur/linhong/470/0213/6-res.dat.h5" in NODE0 mode and compression level 1 ... Writing results. Done. > ;Exit FLUENT exit