关于interFoam中对应k-epsilon湍流模型公式的问题 -
关于interFoam中对应k-epsilon湍流模型公式的问题@李东岳 在 关于interFoam中对应k-epsilon湍流模型公式的问题 中说:
alpha跟rho是分开的,你不能写到一起,rho=alpha1rho1+alpha2rho2, alpha是alpha
李老师好,这个alpha指的是某一相的体积分数吗?k和epsilon的控制方程中使用$\alpha \rho$是有什么特定物理意义吗?(如果有相应推导的文章就更好了)
这里的 $\alpha\rho$是否代表
$$\alpha\rho = \alpha\rho_l + (1-\alpha)\alpha_g$$
如果$\alpha$表示含液率的话? -
open foam10植入曳力模型lnInclude文件夹中有这个BlendedInterfacialModel.H文件的链接吗?
如何基于blockMesh生成的圆柱网格添加边界层@李东岳 这个我尝试过调节simpleGrading (1 1 1),但是报错了。好像是因为我分为了五个块
我想问问老师,除了上面这个图的地方还需要改动哪些地方呀? -
如何基于blockMesh生成的圆柱网格添加边界层@李东岳 李老师好,我想要加入湍流模型,比如k-epsilon,所以需要对壁面加入边界层,blockMeshDict中有专门添加边界层的模块字典吗?
如何基于blockMesh生成的圆柱网格添加边界层各位大佬好,我通过如下的blockMesh生成了一个圆柱型网格(O型切分),但想针对壁面wallPipe添加5层边界层进行湍流模拟,我使用的blockMeshDict和snappyHexMeshDict文件如下,blockMesh可以生成较好的网格,但是使用snappyHexMesh -overwrite命令后,网格没有任何变化,想请教各位,OpenFOAM有没有其他添加边界层的方法呢?或者我目前的方法有什么问题?
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 5 | | \\ / A nd | Web: | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object blockMeshDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // convertToMeters 1; trueradius 0.025; radius #calc "sqrt(2.0)*0.5*$trueradius";//圆柱半径 radiusNeg #calc "-sqrt(2.0)*0.5*$trueradius"; box 0.0092; // boxNeg定义中间长方体block的范围 0.12 boxNeg -0.0092; zMax 0.5;//100;//zMax和zMin定义圆柱体的长度 zMin 0.0; nR 10;//扇形block半径上的节点数 6 nBox 12;//矩形block正方形边上的节点数 8 nZ 180;//5000;//轴向方向上的节点数 verbose no; geometry { cylinder { type searchableCylinder; point1 (0 0 -0.1);//由point1和point2构成的区域要大于zMax和zMin构成的区域 point2 (0 0 1000.1);//100.1); radius $trueradius; } } scale 1; vertices ( // Inner ($boxNeg $boxNeg $zMin)//0 ($box $boxNeg $zMin)//1 ($boxNeg $box $zMin)//2 ($box $box $zMin)//3 // Outer block points project ($radiusNeg $radiusNeg $zMin) (cylinder)//4 project ($radius $radiusNeg $zMin) (cylinder)//5 project ($radiusNeg $radius $zMin) (cylinder)//6 project ($radius $radius $zMin) (cylinder)//7 // Inner ($boxNeg $boxNeg $zMax)//8 ($box $boxNeg $zMax)//9 ($boxNeg $box $zMax)//10 ($box $box $zMax)//11 // Outer block points project ($radiusNeg $radiusNeg $zMax) (cylinder)//12 project ($radius $radiusNeg $zMax) (cylinder)//13 project ($radiusNeg $radius $zMax) (cylinder)//14 project ($radius $radius $zMax) (cylinder)//15 ); blocks ( hex ( 4 5 1 0 12 13 9 8) ($nBox $nR $nZ) simpleGrading (1 1 1) hex ( 4 0 2 6 12 8 10 14) ($nR $nBox $nZ) simpleGrading (1 1 1) hex ( 1 5 7 3 9 13 15 11) ($nR $nBox $nZ) simpleGrading (1 1 1) hex ( 2 3 7 6 10 11 15 14) ($nBox $nR $nZ) simpleGrading (1 1 1) hex ( 0 1 3 2 8 9 11 10) ($nBox $nBox $nZ) simpleGrading (1 1 1) ); edges ( project 4 5 (cylinder) project 7 5 (cylinder) project 6 7 (cylinder) project 4 6 (cylinder) project 12 13 (cylinder) project 13 15 (cylinder) project 12 14 (cylinder) project 14 15 (cylinder) ); boundary ( bottom { type patch; // patch faces ( (0 1 3 2) (0 2 6 4) (0 1 5 4) (1 5 7 3) (2 3 7 6) ); } outlet { type patch; // patch faces ( (8 9 11 10) (8 10 14 12) (8 9 13 12) (9 13 15 11) (10 11 15 14) ); } wallPipe { type wall; faces ( (4 12 14 6) (4 5 13 12) (5 13 15 7) (6 7 15 14) ); } ); mergePatchPairs ( ); // ************************************************************************* //
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: v2206 | | \\ / A nd | Website: | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object snappyHexMeshDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // Which of the steps to run castellatedMesh false; snap false; addLayers true; // Geometry. Definition of all surfaces. All surfaces are of class // searchableSurface. geometry {} // Settings for the castellatedMesh generation. castellatedMeshControls { // Refinement parameters // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // If local number of cells is >= maxLocalCells on any processor // switches from from refinement followed by balancing // (current method) to (weighted) balancing before refinement. maxLocalCells 100000; // Overall cell limit (approximately). Refinement will stop immediately // upon reaching this number so a refinement level might not complete. // Note that this is the number of cells before removing the part which // is not 'visible' from the keepPoint. The final number of cells might // actually be a lot less. maxGlobalCells 2000000; // The surface refinement loop might spend lots of iterations refining just a // few cells. This setting will cause refinement to stop if <= minimumRefine // are selected for refinement. Note: it will at least do one iteration // (unless the number of cells to refine is 0) minRefinementCells 0; // Allow a certain level of imbalance during refining // (since balancing is quite expensive) // Expressed as fraction of perfect balance (= overall number of cells / // nProcs). 0=balance always. maxLoadUnbalance 0.10; // Number of buffer layers between different levels. // 1 means normal 2:1 refinement restriction, larger means slower // refinement. nCellsBetweenLevels 1; // Explicit feature edge refinement // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Specifies a level for any cell intersected by explicitly provided // edges. // This is a featureEdgeMesh, read from constant/triSurface for now. // Specify 'levels' in the same way as the 'distance' mode in the // refinementRegions (see below). The old specification // level 2; // is equivalent to // levels ((0 2)); features (); // Surface based refinement // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Specifies two levels for every surface. The first is the minimum level, // every cell intersecting a surface gets refined up to the minimum level. // The second level is the maximum level. Cells that 'see' multiple // intersections where the intersections make an // angle > resolveFeatureAngle get refined up to the maximum level. refinementSurfaces {} // Feature angle: // - used if min and max refinement level of a surface differ // - used if feature snapping (see snapControls below) is used resolveFeatureAngle 30; // Region-wise refinement // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Specifies refinement level for cells in relation to a surface. One of // three modes // - distance. 'levels' specifies per distance to the surface the // wanted refinement level. The distances need to be specified in // increasing order. // - inside. 'levels' is only one entry and only the level is used. All // cells inside the surface get refined up to the level. The surface // needs to be closed for this to be possible. // - outside. Same but cells outside. refinementRegions {} // Mesh selection // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // After refinement patches get added for all refinementSurfaces and // all cells intersecting the surfaces get put into these patches. The // section reachable from the location(s)InMesh is kept. // NOTE: This point should never be on a face, always inside a cell, even // after refinement. // // There are two different ways of specifying the regions to keep: // 1. a single locationInMesh. All the 'zoned' surfaces are marked as such // in the refinementSurfaces with the faceZone and cellZone keywords. // // or // // 2. multiple locationsInMesh, with per location the name of the cellZone. // This uses walking to determine zones and automatically creates // faceZones on the outside of cellZones. // Ad 1. Specify a single location and how to treat faces inbetween // cellZones locationInMesh (5 0.28 0.43); // Whether any faceZones (as specified in the refinementSurfaces) // are only on the boundary of corresponding cellZones or also allow // free-standing zone faces. Not used if there are no faceZones. allowFreeStandingZoneFaces true; } // Settings for the snapping. snapControls { // Number of patch smoothing iterations before finding correspondence // to surface nSmoothPatch 3; // Maximum relative distance for points to be attracted by surface. // True distance is this factor times local maximum edge length. // Note: changed(corrected) w.r.t 1.7.x! (1.7.x used 2* tolerance) tolerance 2.0; // Number of mesh displacement relaxation iterations. nSolveIter 30; // Maximum number of snapping relaxation iterations. Should stop // before upon reaching a correct mesh. nRelaxIter 5; } // Settings for the layer addition. addLayersControls { // Are the thickness parameters below relative to the undistorted // size of the refined cell outside layer (true) or absolute sizes (false). relativeSizes false; // Layers defined by overall thickness and expansion ratio // thickness 0.7e-3; firstLayerThickness 2e-3; expansionRatio 1.2; // Minimum overall thickness of total layers. If for any reason layer // cannot be above minThickness do not add layer. // If relativeSizes this is relative to undistorted size of cell // outside layer.. minThickness 0.0001e-3; // Per final patch (so not geometry!) the layer information layers { sidewalls { nSurfaceLayers 3; } } // If points get not extruded do nGrow layers of connected faces that are // also not grown. This helps convergence of the layer addition process // close to features. // Note: changed(corrected) w.r.t 1.7.x! (didn't do anything in 1.7.x) nGrow 0; // Advanced settings // Static analysis of starting mesh // When not to extrude surface. 0 is flat surface, 90 is when two faces // are perpendicular featureAngle 130; // When to merge patch faces. Default is featureAngle //mergePatchFacesAngle 45; // Do not extrude around sharp edge if not both faces are extruded. // Default is 0.5*featureAngle. Set to -180 always attempt extrusion layerTerminationAngle -180; // Stop layer growth on highly warped cells maxFaceThicknessRatio 0.5; // Patch displacement // Number of smoothing iterations of surface normals nSmoothSurfaceNormals 1; // Smooth layer thickness over surface patches nSmoothThickness 10; // Medial axis analysis // Angle used to pick up medial axis points // Note: changed(corrected) w.r.t 1.7.x! 90 degrees corresponds to 130 // in 1.7.x. minMedialAxisAngle 90; // Reduce layer growth where ratio thickness to medial // distance is large maxThicknessToMedialRatio 0.3; // Number of smoothing iterations of interior mesh movement direction nSmoothNormals 3; // Optional: at non-patched sides allow mesh to slip if extrusion // direction makes angle larger than slipFeatureAngle. Default is // 0.5*featureAngle. slipFeatureAngle 30; //// Motion solver instead of default medial axis // // //- Use displacementMotionSolver to shrink mesh // meshShrinker displacementMotionSolver; // // //- Use laplacian for shrinking // solver displacementLaplacian; // // displacementLaplacianCoeffs // { // diffusivity quadratic inverseDistance ("m.*"); // } // Mesh shrinking // Maximum number of snapping relaxation iterations. Should stop // before upon reaching a correct mesh. nRelaxIter 5; // Create buffer region for new layer terminations nBufferCellsNoExtrude 0; // Overall max number of layer addition iterations. The mesher will // exit if it reaches this number of iterations; possibly with an // illegal mesh. nLayerIter 50; // Overall number of outer layer of iterations. Default is 1 -> all // layers are added in one pass. nOuterIter 3; } // Generic mesh quality settings. At any undoable phase these determine // where to undo. meshQualityControls { // Specify mesh quality constraints in separate dictionary so can // be reused (e.g. checkMesh -meshQuality) #include "meshQualityDict" // Advanced // Number of error distribution iterations nSmoothScale 4; // amount to scale back displacement at error points errorReduction 0.75; } // Advanced // Merge tolerance. Is fraction of overall bounding box of initial mesh. // Note: the write tolerance needs to be higher than this. mergeTolerance 1e-6; debugFlags ( //mesh ); // Write flags writeFlags ( //layerFields // write volScalarField for layer coverage ); // ************************************************************************* //
MPPICInterFoam支持自适应网格技术吗?@sxz0823 不支持,需要自己动手改代码
DEM和DPM@youhaoyu 你这很有可能是某个函数错了,比如除以了一个很小的数。
气泡受力分析@youhaoyu 谢谢老哥,又看到你啦,哈哈哈哈,我一般取0.5,确实,虚拟质量力对这种离散气泡的最终上升速度影响很大。
一个关于Lagrange粒子输出的问题,Parcel fate: (number, mass)@youhaoyu 谢谢老哥,但是其中的system怎么理解呢?
一个关于Lagrange粒子输出的问题,Parcel fate: (number, mass)各位大佬好,在使用OpenFOAM中的粒子信息输出过程中,有这么一条信息
上图中标白色部分的Parcel fate system(number, mass)
是什么意思呢?是逃离了系统吗? -
微型气泡是否有固体粒子像杨氏模量、刚度类似的概念@youhaoyu 老哥,方便发下提到的这篇文章吗?我想参考参考