关于网格建立的方向与模型方向是否需要一致 -
关于hexRef8 : Dumping cell as obj to ".../cell_813430.obj"的问题求大佬看看!
Added patches in = 0.02 s Edge intersection testing: Number of edges : 5008207 Number of edges to retest : 490832 Number of intersected edges : 475794 Decomposition method none [1] Refinement phase ---------------- Found point (10 20 5) in cell 587820 on processor 0 Feature refinement iteration 0 ------------------------------ Marked for refinement due to explicit features : 6 cells. Determined cells to refine in = 9.79 s Selected for feature refinement : 13 cells (out of 1506875) Edge intersection testing: Number of edges : 5008546 Number of edges to retest : 781 Number of intersected edges : 475794 Refined mesh in = 2.28 s After refinement feature refinement iteration 0 : cells:1506966 faces:5008546 points:2028784 Cells per refinement level: 0 438931 1 42098 2 131721 3 456157 4 438059 Feature refinement iteration 1 ------------------------------ Marked for refinement due to explicit features : 0 cells. Determined cells to refine in = 9.22 s Selected for feature refinement : 0 cells (out of 1506966) Stopping refining since too few cells selected. Surface refinement iteration 0 ------------------------------ Marked for refinement due to surface intersection : 27528 cells. Determined cells to refine in = 0.62 s Selected for refinement : 29733 cells (out of 1506966) hexRef8 : Dumping cell as obj to "/mnt/g/City4CFD/City4CFD/examples/TUDCampus/c4c_tst_20240924/cell_813430.obj" --> FOAM FATAL ERROR: (openfoam-2312) cell 813430 of level 2 uses more than 8 points of equal or lower level Points so far:8(467622 506063 542474 660192 812094 865708 953356 1395965) From Foam::labelListList Foam::hexRef8::setRefinement(const labelList&, Foam::polyTopoChange&) in file polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/hexRef8/hexRef8.C at line 3604. FOAM aborting [stack trace] ============= #1 Foam::error::simpleExit(int, bool) in ~/OpenFOAM-v2312/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libOpenFOAM.so #2 Foam::hexRef8::setRefinement(Foam::List<int> const&, Foam::polyTopoChange&) in ~/OpenFOAM-v2312/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libdynamicMesh.so #3 Foam::meshRefinement::refine(Foam::List<int> const&) in ~/OpenFOAM-v2312/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libsnappyHexMesh.so #4 Foam::meshRefinement::balanceAndRefine(Foam::string const&, Foam::decompositionMethod&, Foam::fvMeshDistribute&, Foam::List<int> const&, double, int) in ~/OpenFOAM-v2312/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libsnappyHexMesh.so #5 Foam::snappyRefineDriver::surfaceOnlyRefine(Foam::refinementParameters const&, int, int) in ~/OpenFOAM-v2312/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libsnappyHexMesh.so #6 Foam::snappyRefineDriver::doRefine(Foam::dictionary const&, Foam::refinementParameters const&, Foam::snapParameters const&, bool, Foam::meshRefinement::FaceMergeType, Foam::dictionary const&) in ~/OpenFOAM-v2312/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libsnappyHexMesh.so #7 ? in ~/OpenFOAM-v2312/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/bin/snappyHexMesh #8 ? in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #9 __libc_start_main in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #10 ? in ~/OpenFOAM-v2312/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/bin/snappyHexMesh ============= Aborted
snappyHexMesh生成网格后,结果显示“non-orthogonality > 45 degrees”过多每日一捞一捞
请问这是什么原因 -
snappyHexMesh生成网格后,结果显示“non-orthogonality > 45 degrees”过多
第一个图是小视角,第二个是大视角,可以看出基本上还都是小网格,没有什么变化。snappyHexMeshDict blockMeshDict
我分别运行了blockmesh和snappyhexmesh但得到了如下的记过,不管是从最终的结果可视化还是报告,好像都是错的。尤其是“non-orthogonality > 45 degrees”很多,这是为什么。到底是什么参数控制了这个结果。
No layers to generate ...
Layer mesh : cells:1584584 faces:5627764 points:2554142
Cells per refinement level:
0 105641
1 55348
2 238190
3 627103
4 558302
Writing mesh to time 0
Wrote mesh in = 3.02 s.
Layers added in = 364.18 s.
Checking final mesh ...
Checking faces in error :
non-orthogonality > 45 degrees : 210392
faces with face pyramid volume < 1e-13 : 0
faces with face-decomposition tet quality < 1e-09 : 0
faces with concavity > 80 degrees : 0
faces with skewness > 4 (internal) or 20 (boundary) : 0
faces with interpolation weights (0..1) < 0.02 : 0
faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < 0.01 : 0
faces with face twist < 0.02 : 3
faces with triangle twist < 0.05 : 32
faces on cells with determinant < 0.001 : 0
Finished meshing with 210427 illegal faces (concave, zero area or negative cell pyramid volume)
Finished meshing in = 1509.18 s.
snappyHexMeshDict blockMeshDict -
可以的,但是好像我的网格还是没怎么变,可能是我网格设置的问题? -
关于网格建立的方向与模型方向是否需要一致@李东岳 东岳老师,我有搜到您之前回答的一个贴子《snappyHexMesh中网格始终snap不到物体表面上》,我看他上传的图跟我这个情况有点像。帖子中,您说处理对象被当成二维处理了,需要修改blockMesh中的type(将empty进行更改,随后用blockMesh, surfaceFeatureExtract, snappyHexMesh -overwrite),这个方法我试了样子没变。帖主说在您的基础上,在paramview中显示第二个时间步,切换显示就好了,我不知道这是否对我有效,现在我还在找这个切换的按钮(因为我是最近才上手这个,所以搜了半天也没找到这个)
除了这个问题,还有一个问题,就是在生成网格结束的报告中显示我生成的网格错误很多“non-orthogonality > 45 degrees : 210392”,我的理解是基本上全错了?我有按照论坛里面的snappyHexMeshDict文件和chatgpt回答调整我的文件,但是似乎我写的存在很多问题。目前我尝试调整配置中的参数(某些参数调大或调小),但对结果的改进不大。
No layers to generate ...
Layer mesh : cells:1584584 faces:5627764 points:2554142
Cells per refinement level:
0 105641
1 55348
2 238190
3 627103
4 558302
Writing mesh to time 0
Wrote mesh in = 3.02 s.
Layers added in = 364.18 s.
Checking final mesh ...
Checking faces in error :
non-orthogonality > 45 degrees : 210392
faces with face pyramid volume < 1e-13 : 0
faces with face-decomposition tet quality < 1e-09 : 0
faces with concavity > 80 degrees : 0
faces with skewness > 4 (internal) or 20 (boundary) : 0
faces with interpolation weights (0..1) < 0.02 : 0
faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < 0.01 : 0
faces with face twist < 0.02 : 3
faces with triangle twist < 0.05 : 32
faces on cells with determinant < 0.001 : 0
Finished meshing with 210427 illegal faces (concave, zero area or negative cell pyramid volume)
Finished meshing in = 1509.18 s.
End -
snappyHexMesh中网格始终snap不到物体表面上@Enthusiasm 你好可以问下你在哪里调的时间步吗,我也是这种情况
关于网格建立的方向与模型方向是否需要一致 -