@wwzhao 现在OpenFOAM自带的VOF重构不怎么好,对结果影响大吗?如何体现?
对于Open FOAM 模拟波浪的一些思考 -
对于Open FOAM 模拟波浪的一些思考The VOF method in OpenFOAM is doubted by lacking one important step: ‘free-surface reconstruction.’ The VOF method is ideal for studying the wave dynamics. It includes two major steps: 1. Re-distribute fluid mass based on the VOF equation. 2. Reconstruct the free-surface for accurately estimating the volume flux on each cell face. The first step was included in the OpenFOAM. However, the second one is not. It results on the smoke-like breaking waves in OpenFOAM.希望引起大神的共鸣,一起进行讨论。
openfoam set fields@xpqiu 上面的问题已经解决了,多谢大神帮助。想问问您有没有搞过在twoPhaseEulerFoam里实现造波?
openfoam set fields@xpqiu 好的,谢谢了,我把用到topoSetDict的例子都先看看。
openfoam set fields@xpqiu topoSetDict这个需要头文件吗?还是只要把你贴的代码写进去。
openfoam set fields@xpqiu FOAM FATAL IO ERROR:
cannot open filefile: /root/101/damBreak-biaozhun/system/topoSetDict at line 0.
From function regIOobject::readStream() in file db/regIOobject/regIOobjectRead.C at line 87.
FOAM exiting
openfoam set fields@xpqiu 在 openfoam set fields 中说:
outsidePoints (( 1.012 0.01 0.902));指的是哪里点的坐标
openfoam set fields@xpqiu 谢谢啦,我先试试,不懂的再请教您。
funkySetField设置初始区域@qjh888 h好的,谢谢啦
funkySetField设置初始区域FOAM FATAL ERROR: The type of the alpha1 is IOobject. Seems that it doesn't exist. Use 'create' From function doAnExpression() in file funkySetFields.C at line 349.
funkySetField设置初始区域@qjh888 输入funkySetFields提示错误
funkySetFields: time/latestTime option is requiredFrom function main() in file funkySetFields.C at line 641.
FOAM exiting
找到文件错误位置如下要怎么改if (!args.options().found("time") && !args.options().found("latestTime")) { FatalErrorIn("main()") << args.executable() << ": time/latestTime option is required" << endl << exit(FatalError);
funkySetField设置初始区域@qjh888 你好,我安装了下,怎么检测是否安装成功,我上面自带的例子怎么跑不通?
funkySetField设置初始区域@qjh888 好的,谢谢啦。
funkySetField设置初始区域@qjh888 你好,有没有中文教程或者是算例可以参考学习一下?
swek4foam@zhanghan 1129610784一起交流下、
swek4foam@zhanghan 能加QQ交流下吗
swek4foam@zhanghan 为什么我安装的funkySetFields运行不了,
swek4foam -