xiaocong@xiaocong-QTC6:~/OpenFOAM/xiaocong-7/run/cavity$ FATAL ERROR: The official reader module for OpenFOAM data does not exist on your system. This means that the version of ParaView you are using was not compiled with OpenFOAM, or distributed with a packaged version of OpenFOAM. For information on packaged versions of OpenFOAM/ParaView and compilation of OpenFOAM/ParaView, see https://openfoam.org/download Alternatively, you might be able to view your OpenFOAM data with the reader module provided with ParaView by running: paraFoam -builtin
看了论坛上的相关帖子好像都是说自己建个环境变量什么的,怎么能根本解决此问题呢,能做到像官方案例中直接输入paraFoam &就可以调出来Paraview呢?如果是需要编译,该如何操作呢,希望知道的大佬不吝赐教,谢谢啦!
xiaocong@xiaocong-QTC6:~/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-7$ ./makeParaView ParaView-5.6.0 exists. Not downloading... *** Error: Qt 5 version provided < 5.6 *** Please use the -qmake option to specify the location of a version of Qt >= 5.6 *** e.g. *** -qmake /usr/local/qt-5.6.0/bin/qmake *** -qmake /home/xiaocong/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-7/platforms/linux64Gcc/qt-5.6.0/bin/qmake