namespace Foam { namespace RASModels { // * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * // template<class BasicTurbulenceModel> void mykEpsilon<BasicTurbulenceModel>::correctNut() { this->nut_ = Cmu_*sqr(k_)/epsilon_; this->nut_.correctBoundaryConditions(); fv::options::New(this->mesh_).correct(this->nut_); BasicTurbulenceModel::correctNut(); } template<class BasicTurbulenceModel> tmp<fvScalarMatrix> mykEpsilon<BasicTurbulenceModel>::kSource() const { return tmp<fvScalarMatrix> ( new fvScalarMatrix ( k_, dimVolume*this->rho_.dimensions()*k_.dimensions() /dimTime ) ); } template<class BasicTurbulenceModel> tmp<fvScalarMatrix> mykEpsilon<BasicTurbulenceModel>::epsilonSource() const { return tmp<fvScalarMatrix> ( new fvScalarMatrix ( epsilon_, dimVolume*this->rho_.dimensions()*epsilon_.dimensions() /dimTime ) ); } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // template<class BasicTurbulenceModel> mykEpsilon<BasicTurbulenceModel>::mykEpsilon ( const alphaField& alpha, const rhoField& rho, const volVectorField& U, const surfaceScalarField& alphaRhoPhi, const surfaceScalarField& phi, const transportModel& transport, const word& propertiesName, const word& type ) : eddyViscosity<RASModel<BasicTurbulenceModel>> ( type, alpha, rho, U, alphaRhoPhi, phi, transport, propertiesName ), Cmu_ ( dimensioned<scalar>::lookupOrAddToDict ( "Cmu", this->coeffDict_, 0.09 ) ), C1_ ( dimensioned<scalar>::lookupOrAddToDict ( "C1", this->coeffDict_, 1.44 ) ), C2_ ( dimensioned<scalar>::lookupOrAddToDict ( "C2", this->coeffDict_, 1.92 ) ), C3_ ( dimensioned<scalar>::lookupOrAddToDict ( "C3", this->coeffDict_, 0 ) ), sigmak_ ( dimensioned<scalar>::lookupOrAddToDict ( "sigmak", this->coeffDict_, 1.0 ) ), sigmaEps_ ( dimensioned<scalar>::lookupOrAddToDict ( "sigmaEps", this->coeffDict_, 1.3 ) ), k_ ( IOobject ( IOobject::groupName("k", U.group()), this->runTime_.timeName(), this->mesh_, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), this->mesh_ ), epsilon_ ( IOobject ( IOobject::groupName("epsilon", U.group()), this->runTime_.timeName(), this->mesh_, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), this->mesh_ ) { bound(k_, this->kMin_); bound(epsilon_, this->epsilonMin_); if (type == typeName) { this->printCoeffs(type); } } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * // template<class BasicTurbulenceModel> bool mykEpsilon<BasicTurbulenceModel>::read() { if (eddyViscosity<RASModel<BasicTurbulenceModel>>::read()) { Cmu_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict()); C1_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict()); C2_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict()); C3_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict()); sigmak_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict()); sigmaEps_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict()); return true; } else { return false; } } template<class BasicTurbulenceModel> void mykEpsilon<BasicTurbulenceModel>::correct() { if (!this->turbulence_) { return; } // Local references const alphaField& alpha = this->alpha_; const rhoField& rho = this->rho_; const surfaceScalarField& alphaRhoPhi = this->alphaRhoPhi_; const volVectorField& U = this->U_; volScalarField& nut = this->nut_; fv::options& fvOptions(fv::options::New(this->mesh_)); eddyViscosity<RASModel<BasicTurbulenceModel>>::correct(); volScalarField::Internal divU ( fvc::div(fvc::absolute(this->phi(), U))().v() ); tmp<volTensorField> tgradU = fvc::grad(U); volScalarField::Internal G ( this->GName(), nut.v()*(dev(twoSymm(tgradU().v())) && tgradU().v()) ); tgradU.clear(); // Update epsilon and G at the wall epsilon_.boundaryFieldRef().updateCoeffs(); // Dissipation equation tmp<fvScalarMatrix> epsEqn ( fvm::ddt(alpha, rho, epsilon_) + fvm::div(alphaRhoPhi, epsilon_) - fvm::laplacian(alpha*rho*DepsilonEff(), epsilon_) == C1_*alpha()*rho()*G*epsilon_()/k_() - fvm::SuSp(((2.0/3.0)*C1_ - C3_)*alpha()*rho()*divU, epsilon_) - fvm::Sp(C2_*alpha()*rho()*epsilon_()/k_(), epsilon_) + epsilonSource() + fvOptions(alpha, rho, epsilon_) ); epsEqn.ref().relax(); fvOptions.constrain(epsEqn.ref()); epsEqn.ref().boundaryManipulate(epsilon_.boundaryFieldRef()); solve(epsEqn); fvOptions.correct(epsilon_); bound(epsilon_, this->epsilonMin_); // Turbulent kinetic energy equation tmp<fvScalarMatrix> kEqn ( fvm::ddt(alpha, rho, k_) + fvm::div(alphaRhoPhi, k_) - fvm::laplacian(alpha*rho*DkEff(), k_) == alpha()*rho()*G - fvm::SuSp((2.0/3.0)*alpha()*rho()*divU, k_) - fvm::Sp(alpha()*rho()*epsilon_()/k_(), k_) + kSource() + fvOptions(alpha, rho, k_) ); kEqn.ref().relax(); fvOptions.constrain(kEqn.ref()); solve(kEqn); fvOptions.correct(k_); bound(k_, this->kMin_); correctNut(); }
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