foam-extend-4.0 动网格未按照预期进行强迫运动
Dear Foamers, I am trying to run the default wingMotion tutorial using sixDoFRigidBodyDisplacement in foam-extend 4.0. However, it seems to me that the body is only moving at the very first time step and then all motion ends. There is also no output regarding information about restraints, centre of mass etc. in the log file. I ran the tutorial in OpenFOAM 5.0 without a problem but can not get it to run in foam-extend 4.0. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. After some more tries I found that pimpleDyMFoam only moves the body at the first time step and then all movement is stopped. This is the same for sixDoFRigidBodyDisplacement or oscillatingDisplacement. edit: I somehow messed the installation up. pimpleFoam worked excellent so I did not consider this first but after reinstallation the problem ist solved.
ps:我同时运行了教程自带的wingMotion sixDoFRigidBodyDisplacement算例,机翼也未发生运动。