Partopour B, Dixon A G. Reduced microkinetics model for computational fluid dynamics (cfd) simulation of the fixed-bed partial oxidation of ethylene [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016,55(27): 7296-306.他使用的是UDS自定义组分运输,但是同一组分的UDS方程同时作用于两个区域,纯流动区域是对流扩散,固体颗粒区域是单纯的扩散。也就是说,物质A从inlet进来,在颗粒之间的区域对流扩散,通过颗粒边界进入颗粒,发生单纯的扩散,然后颗粒内有反应源项。
@ibelief 已经解决了,催化剂当作固体区域就好,不同区域设定不同扩散系数。固体和流体边界使用coupled边界,当然你也可以参看这篇文章——[1] Kent J E. Steam reforming of biodiesel by-product glycerol [J]. A Major Qualifying Project, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2013.
你提到用多孔介质是可以的,很多人这样弄,比如——[1] G. M K, Buwa V V. Particle-resolved simulations of methane steam reforming in multilayered packed beds [J]. AIChE Journal, 2018,0(0).
[2] Karthik G M, Buwa V V. Effect of particle shape on catalyst deactivation using particle-resolved cfd simulations [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018.我现在不做这方面工作了,如果你有这方面问题,我可以给你推荐几篇文献