Fluent 层流的壁面粗糙度的设置
这算是一个悖论,如果有roughness 的话,很难说不是湍流。
根据fluent user guide
Fluid flows over rough surfaces are encountered in diverse situations. Examples are, among many others,
flows over the surfaces of airplanes, ships, turbomachinery, heat exchangers, and piping systems, and
atmospheric boundary layers over terrain of varying roughness. Wall roughness affects drag (resistance)
and heat and mass transfer on the walls.
If you are modeling a turbulent wall-bounded flow in which the wall roughness effects are considered
to be significant, you can include the wall roughness effects through the law-of-the-wall modified for
roughness.层流的时候,如果真的要考虑粗糙度的话,有个笨办法: 1,几何模型修改-网格修改-体现粗糙度。
low Reynolds number modifications have been proposed by Wilcox for the k- model and are available
in ANSYS Fluent.