//- Name of the field data table, defaults to the name of the field word fieldTableName_; //- If true adjust the mapped field to maintain average value Switch setAverage_; //- Fraction of perturbation (fraction of bounding box) to add scalar perturb_; //- Interpolation scheme to use word mapMethod_; //- 2D interpolation (for 'planarInterpolation' mapMethod) autoPtr<pointToPointPlanarInterpolation> mapperPtr_; //- List of boundaryData time directories instantList sampleTimes_; //- Current starting index in sampleTimes label startSampleTime_; //- Interpolated values from startSampleTime Field<Type> startSampledValues_; //- If setAverage: starting average value Type startAverage_; //- Current end index in sampleTimes label endSampleTime_; //- Interpolated values from endSampleTime Field<Type> endSampledValues_; //- If setAverage: end average value Type endAverage_; //- Time varying offset values to interpolated data autoPtr<Function1<Type>> offset_;
Example of the boundary condition specification: \verbatim <patchName> { type mapped; fieldName T; setAverage no; average 0; interpolationScheme cell; value uniform 0; } \endverbatim