In the above example, it can be seen that all the wall boundaries use a boundary condition named fixedFluxPressure. This boundary condition is used for pressure in situations where zeroGradient is generally used, but where body forces such as gravity and surface tension are present in the solution equations. The condition adjusts the gradient accordingly).
将侧面和两端面设置成fixedFluxPressure固定值为0的格式,结果报错为:Unable to set reference cell for field p,Please supply either pRefCell or pRefPoint。结合问题提示和网上查找解决方案,在fvsolution中的pimple加入参考网格或者参考点的压力值,因此我在pimple的子目录下添加最后两行如下所示:
PIMPLE { nCorrectors 2; nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0; pRefCell 0; pRefValue 0; }
于是选择第二种解决方法,设置参考点的压力,如下所示:PIMPLE { nCorrectors 2; nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0; pRefPoint (0 0 0); pRefValue 0; }
谷歌搜索解决方案,很多人说需要设置一个压力场的fixedvalue才可以,我于是尝试分两次将两端面或者侧面的其中一个压力边界条件设置成fixedvalue 0,跑是能跑了,但是0.几秒就发散了,而且本人也觉得这种压力边界条件设置方法很不合理且不符合实际情况(明明都是封闭区域的墙啊)。实在找不到可能的解决措施了,麻烦各位指教一下,谢谢啦。