openfoam 如何在双cpu工作站并行计算
请教各位大佬,我的工作站为双cpu:Intel(R) dual-Xeon(R) Gold 5220R ,每个cpu有24 个cores,总数为48cores,96线程。我在计算时划分了38个processors,但是运行如下命令时出错:mpirun -np 38 interFoam -parallel
错误代码为There are not enough slots available in the system to satisfy the 38 slots that were requested by the application:
@Jasper-0 在 openfoam 如何在双cpu工作站并行计算 中说:
There are not enough slots available in the system to satisfy the 38
slots that were requested by the application:正常来说不应该这样。这个看起来不太正常。不过可以用下面的命令强制调用38个
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