forces { type forces; libs ("libforces.so"); writeControl timeStep; timeInterval 1; log yes; patches ("impeller*"); rho rhoInf; // Indicates incompressible log true; rhoInf 1; // Redundant for incompressible CofR (0 0 0); // Rotation around centre line of propeller pitchAxis (0 1 0); }
单相流的时候,因为计算的时候只定义了粘度,没有定义密度,所以需要在这里定义。但是多相流一般来说会定义密度,不需要在这里再定义一次。按我的经验,rho和rhoInf这两项在二相流里会直接时效,定义成什么都无所谓。 -
@tidedrinker 感谢,我现在在用of9的multiphaseEulerFoam,也就是说rho和rhoinf随便填一个数都没有影响是吗
@tidedrinker 但是还有个问题,我在已经有了计算结果之后使用这个force进行后处理 -postProcess时,会报错说没有找到U和p,并不会自动读取U.*和p_rgh,请问您是怎么在多相流中使用的?
Reading field p_rgh --> FOAM Warning : From function int main(int, char**) in file ./createFields.H at line 34 Reading "/mnt/e/Desktop/limited-zeroG/constant/phaseProperties" from line 16 to line 144 Pressure limits, pMin and pMax, are now read from "/mnt/e/Desktop/limited-zeroG/system/fvSolution/PIMPLE" forces forces: Not including porosity effects --> FOAM FATAL ERROR: Could not find U, p From function void Foam::functionObjects::forces::initialise() in file forces/forces.C at line 205. FOAM exiting
@tidedrinker 你好,我发现of9中可以在force文件中单独定义相名称来提取相分数和对应的密度,输出的力和力矩如下:
forces forces write: sum of forces: pressure : (-10.813 0 -5.80003) viscous : (-0.000457782 -0.000707157 0.000145593) porous : (0 0 0) sum of moments: pressure : (-0.00441956 4.53963 -0.00703327) viscous : (-3.21179e-05 7.86609e-05 -2.42533e-05) porous : (0 0 0)
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ ========= | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox \\ / O peration | Website: https://openfoam.org \\ / A nd | Version: 9 \\/ M anipulation | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ forces1-gas { type forces; libs ("libforces.so"); writeControl timeStep; timeInterval 1; log yes; patches (impeller_66 impeller_67); rho rhoInf; // Indicates incompressible log true; rhoInf 700; // Redundant for incompressible phase gas; p p; CofR (0 0.35 0); // Rotation around centre line of propeller pitchAxis (0 5 0); } // ************************************************************************* //