我参考cantera官网示例中的,设置一批应变率变化时的一维对冲火焰解。通过反复调用前一计算结果作为初始解,来逐渐增加或降低应变率,从而得到计算结果。当我按照代码设置应变率上升时(即和源代码中一样设置strain_factor = 1.25),边界结果无明显问题。但当我设置应变率下降时(将strain_factor改为0.8),在燃料侧的grid=0处,其结果中的组分组成随应变率下降而逐渐偏离边界条件。我的燃料设置为Y_O2:0.2,Y_NH3:0.1417,Y_N2:0.6583。取应变率下降循环第50次的结果而言,grid=0处的O2仅为0.15左右,NH3也偏差很大。这个可能是什么原因引起的?
# PART 3: STRAIN RATE LOOP # Compute counterflow diffusion flames at increasing strain rates at 1 bar # The strain rate is assumed to increase by 25% in each step until the flame is # extinguished strain_factor = 1.25 # Exponents for the initial solution variation with changes in strain rate # Taken from Fiala and Sattelmayer (2014) exp_d_a = - 1. / 2. exp_u_a = 1. / 2. exp_V_a = 1. exp_lam_a = 2. exp_mdot_a = 1. / 2. # Restore initial solution file_name, entry = names("initial-solution") f.restore(file_name, name=entry) # Counter to identify the loop n = 0 # Do the strain rate loop while np.max(f.T) > temperature_limit_extinction: n += 1 print('strain rate iteration', n) # Create an initial guess based on the previous solution # Update grid f.flame.grid *= strain_factor ** exp_d_a normalized_grid = f.grid / (f.grid[-1] - f.grid[0]) # Update mass fluxes f.fuel_inlet.mdot *= strain_factor ** exp_mdot_a f.oxidizer_inlet.mdot *= strain_factor ** exp_mdot_a # Update velocities f.set_profile('velocity', normalized_grid, f.velocity * strain_factor ** exp_u_a) f.set_profile('spread_rate', normalized_grid, f.spread_rate * strain_factor ** exp_V_a) # Update pressure curvature f.set_profile('lambda', normalized_grid, f.L * strain_factor ** exp_lam_a) try: # Try solving the flame f.solve(loglevel=0)