在controlDict中添加是想要输出每个时间步的压力数据,因为我保存整个场的间隔比较大,不适合通过postProcess对结果进行提取[15]error in IOstream "OSHA1stream.sinkFile_" for operation Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const word&) [15] [15] file: OSHA1stream.sinkFile_ at line 0. [15] [15] From function virtual bool Foam::IOstream::check(const char*) const [15] in file db/IOstreams/IOstreams/IOstream.C at line 96. /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ ========= | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox \\ / O peration | Website: https://openfoam.org \\ / A nd | Version: 9 \\/ M anipulation | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { format ascii; class dictionary; location "system"; object controlDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // application compressibleInterFoam; startFrom latestTime; startTime 0; stopAt endTime; endTime 0.000005; deltaT 0.00000000005; writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 20; purgeWrite 0; writeFormat binary; writePrecision 8; writeCompression off; timeFormat general; timePrecision 10; runTimeModifiable yes; //adjustTimeStep no; maxCo 3; maxAlphaCo 3; maxDeltaT 1; /*functions { volFieldValue1 { type volFieldValue; libs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); log true; writeControl writeTime; writeFields no; regionType patch; name walls; operation volIntegrate; //A single weight field can be specified as before: //weightField alpha1; //or a list specified by: //weightFields (alpha.water rho.water); fields ( p ); } } */ functions { forces { type forces; libs ("libforces.so"); patches (walls); rhoInf 998.8; log on; writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 1; CofR (0 0 0); } }
[15]error in IOstream "OSHA1stream.sinkFile_" for operation Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const word&) [15] [15] file: OSHA1stream.sinkFile_ at line 0. [15] [15] From function virtual bool Foam::IOstream::check(const char*) const [15] in file db/IOstreams/IOstreams/IOstream.C at line 96.