(3)我从其他地方抄了点代码写了两个接口,分别从transportProperties读取 加密时间步间隔 和 加密范围,其中加密范围是依据气泡半径写的无量纲范围,所以需要配合前面代码(未在本段代码中给出)求出的气泡半径radius.value()定义标记区域。
//read timestep interval required for the following code, as the following code is very time consuming so I needn't it run for every timestep. const label calculateTimestepInterval = transportProperties.get<label>("calculateTimestepInterval"); //read information from transportProperties so that we can modify the size of marked region easily. scalar markRegionNearInterfaceSize = transportProperties.get<scalar>("markRegionNearInterfaceSize"); if (mesh.time().timeIndex() % calculateTimestepInterval == 0)//judge whether the timestep satisfy the timestep interval criterion. { markRegionNearInterface.field()=0;//reset the field to be zero first. Of course such field is claimed in createFields.H first. forAll(mesh.C(), i)//Cycle all meshes { if (alpha1[i]>0.0001&&alpha1[i]<0.9999)//judge whether the cell contains gas-liquid interface { vector centerOfSurfacePoint = mesh.C()[i];//store center information of such a interface cell forAll(mesh.C(), cellI)//Cycle all meshes again { scalar offset = mag(centerOfSurfacePoint - mesh.C()[cellI]);//distance between any cells and the interface cell if (offset <= markRegionNearInterfaceSize*radius.value())//judge the criterion, note the radius is calculated before with code which is not shown here { markRegionNearInterface.field()[cellI] += 1;//any cells which meet the criterion will be marked with value>0 } } } } }运行结果如下
(1) 因为我是个beginner,代码是东抄抄西抄抄弄出来的,上述代码可能有些冗余,如果大佬们有时间,想麻烦大佬们帮我看看我这些代码能从哪些角度优化优化。代码中的变量类型scalar vector label之类都是我一次次试错试出来的,也不知道这些变量类型用的合理不合理。
(2)我在代码中写了两个链接到transportProperties的接口读取 加密时间步间隔 和 加密范围,测试中发现程序只会在刚开始运行时读取这些常量。请问各位大佬,有没有什么办法能否让程序运行中也能读取这些常量呢?因为假设运行过程中我想改动这两个常量,目前只能把计算停下来改了后重新继续算,不能边算边改。