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    我在DPM中设置了两种不同的injection,但是在云图-DPM concentration中只能看混合相的浓度。有其他地方可以单独看的吗??dpm.png

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  • Fluent计算报错 The fl process

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    请问这个计算几十步后出现的这个逻辑处理器满了后弹出的The f1 process could not be started,然后怎么才能继续运行呢?是无法计算了吗

  • 用重叠网格模拟小球入水

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  • 树木--多孔介质

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  • 使用DEFINE_ON_DEMAND编译完成之后出现一些问题

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    @coolhhh 感谢您的回复 ,确实是这个样,没发现那个字母大写了。

  • fluent初始化显示

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    fluent初始化显示mass diffusivity:invalid diffusivity please check material。用的组分输运涡耗散模型

  • 求助:关于稳态收敛结果的问题

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    @李东岳 谢谢老师的帮助,非常感谢

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    @xiezhuoyu Nice! 挺有意思

    Description 28 Two-scheme Courant number based blending differencing scheme. 29 30 Similar to localBlended but uses a blending factor computed from the 31 face-based Courant number and the lower and upper Courant number limits 32 supplied: 33 \f[ 34 weight = 1 - max(min((Co - Co1)/(Co2 - Co1), 1), 0) 35 \f] 36 where 37 \vartable 38 Co1 | Courant number below which scheme1 is used 39 Co2 | Courant number above which scheme2 is used 40 \endvartable 41 42 The weight applies to the first scheme and 1-weight to the second scheme. 43 44 Example of the CoBlended scheme specification using LUST for Courant numbers 45 less than 1 and linearUpwind for Courant numbers greater than 10: 46 \verbatim 47 divSchemes 48 { 49 . 50 . 51 div(phi,U) Gauss CoBlended 1 LUST grad(U) 10 linearUpwind grad(U); 52 . 53 . 54 } 55 \endverbatim 56 57 SourceFiles 58 CoBlended.C
  • 刚入门fluent问一个简单的问题

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    @李东岳 感谢东岳老师的回复!

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  • fluent湍流粘度超限,多相流发散

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    边界条件是速度入口,压力出口,湍流sst k-w,稳态计算

  • FLUENT中湍流粘性比超标

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    @李东岳 老师,最近我也遇到了这个问题,单相流计算的时候会提醒,但是结果也可以收敛,但是计算完初场的时候,改为多相流空化计算,马上就发散了,不知道怎么可以解决这个问题,已经重新画了好几次网格了

  • 【熔化与凝固】熔融结晶过程模拟求助

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  • 采用Fluent动网格模型时网格未发生重构

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    应该采用laplace 光顺而不是弹簧光顺

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    气液两相流,多相流采用双欧拉模型,且与PBM模型进行耦合,模拟结束后,如何提取破碎频率或聚并效率云图?是roport definitions中采用expression编辑破碎频率公式么,编辑的话如何确定公式中气泡直径的输入?还是用UDF的方式?求大神告知。。。

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    @一只大萌橙 您好,能分享下udf文件吗,我的邮箱是xsjyrn@163.com,万分感谢!

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  • 球形颗粒接触点的处理方法求助

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    你2000用kEpsilon模型+壁面函数就可以。 如果壁面网格不好弄,那就需要高解析壁面网格+低雷诺数湍流模型。
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    想要计算的物理问题是跨临界流体(二氧化碳,或者是氟利昂制冷剂)在大范围压降条件下的相变过程,说人话就是比如入口是超临界的CO2,经过Laval nozzle膨胀到亚临界;
    对于这种情况必须考虑真实流体热力学方程了,目前我用的实现方法是通过调用NIST REFPROP生成的real gas property lookup table的办法来计算气液相流体的热物性,这个方法在计算亚临界范围内,大压降的工况也可以计算,收敛情况相对满意,但是一旦计算跨临界状态就发散了,在外国的CFD论坛上找过,类似的答复是NIST流体数据库使用的方程在临界点附近似乎存在不收敛的问题,如图所示:


  • 稳定的残差变化疑问

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  • VOF中的PLIC方法

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    :baobao: :baobao:

  • fluent速度入口

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    @LYHua 太感谢了,解决了,给力

  • fluent xy plot

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  • 圆柱绕流 Re=3900 cl升力系数计算不准

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    @tyloryu 明白了,感谢!!!

  • 液滴凝固体积膨胀

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  • 仿真小白笔记本CPU选择

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    @Yan 您好,请问您是用的什么后处理软件,在导出速度的时候可以把笛卡尔坐标系改成柱坐标系

  • Fluent延长出口计算时出现了如下问题

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  • 老师们求帮助

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  • 基于Fluent 中的UDF做双向流固耦合。

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    @吴优 现在的问题是如何将我的我的结构求解模块和fluent联立起来。是如何获取wall的表面力用于插值到固体域网格。

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    @hehaohao2013 兄弟,我用的欧拉法模拟的气固两相流,目前还没和实验作对比

  • RANS在Kolmogorov scale的能谱分析?

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    各位CFD大佬,小弟最近在用fluent做模拟时遇到一个问题,物理背景就是管内的热水以射流的方式喷出然后被周围的环境冷水稀释,在做小模型模拟(x=40m y=2m z=13.3cm)的时候,模拟结果尚可,对称性很完美,但在做大模型的时候(x=4000m y=2000m z=10m),模拟结果很不好。
    用的稳态模拟,大模型网格数量大概七百多万,用的reliazable k-e湍流模型,进口的湍流参数设置用CFD计算器估算过了,另外在模拟的时候fluent一直有湍流粘度比超限的提示,但小模型就不会有,不知道最后的不对称结果和这个是不是有关系。


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    采用overset重叠网格和UDF函数模拟串列三圆柱的涡激振动,其中UDF分别尝试了Newmark-Beta方法和4阶Runge Kutta法获取圆柱的振动响应,通过DEFINE_CG_MOTION宏赋予三个圆柱及component cells的运动速度,算例的雷诺数约200,采用k-omega sst模型,考虑水作为来流介质,计算过程中尝试了时间步长从1.0e-3缩小到1.0e-5等多个量级,但是求解过程总是出现升力和升力矩突然骤增,继而导致圆柱运动速度过大,最终计算发散。



    #include "udf.h" #include "sg_mem.h" #include "dynamesh_tools.h" #define PI 3.141592654 #define zoneID_1 4 #define zoneID_2 16 #define zoneID_3 20 FILE *outNB,*outRK; static real y = 0.0; static real yRK = 0.0; static real dy = 0.0; static real vy = 0.0; static real vyRK = 0.0; static real vyRK2 = 0.0; static real ay = 0.0; static real current_time = 5; static real y2 = 0.0; static real y2RK = 0.0; static real dy2 = 0.0; static real vy2 = 0.0; static real vy2RK = 0.0; static real vy2RK2 = 0.0; static real ay2 = 0.0; static real current_time2 = 5; static real y3 = 0.0; static real y3RK = 0.0; static real dy3 = 0.0; static real vy3 = 0.0; static real vy3RK = 0.0; static real vy3RK2 = 0.0; static real ay3 = 0.0; static real current_time3 = 5; DEFINE_CG_MOTION(cylinder_1,dt,vel,omega,time,dtime) { real ctime = RP_Get_Real("flow-time"); real ctimestep = RP_Get_Integer("time-step"); real niter = N_ITER; if (current_time < ctimestep) { current_time = ctimestep; /*Define variables*/ /*Mesh variables*/ real cg[3],vcg[3]; /*Cylinder variables*/ real diameter = 0.063; real fn = 1.0892; real density = 998.2; real length = 1; real water_depth = 1; real mass_ratio = 0.3937; real damping_ratio = 0.01; real mass = mass_ratio*density*pow((0.5*diameter),2)*PI*length; real ad_mass = mass*(0); /*density*pow((0.5*diameter),2)*PI*water_depth;*/ real total_mass = mass + ad_mass; real k = 4*pow((PI*fn),2)*total_mass; real c = 2 * damping_ratio * sqrt(k*total_mass); /*Force calculation. Force = F_pressure + F_viscous*/ real fy = 0.0; real fvy = 0.0; int i; #if !RP_HOST Thread *tc,*thread; Domain *d = Get_Domain(1); face_t f; tc = Lookup_Thread(d,zoneID_1); thread = DT_THREAD(dt); NV_S(vel, =, 0.0); NV_S(omega, =, 0.0); real NV_VEC(A); begin_f_loop(f,tc) { if (PRINCIPAL_FACE_P(f,tc)) { fvy = F_STORAGE_R_N3V(f,tc,SV_WALL_SHEAR)[1]*-1; /*“*-1”表示方向*/ F_AREA(A,f,tc); /*Force calculation with a depth of 1m*/ fy += F_P(f,tc)*A[1] + fvy; } } end_f_loop(f,tc) #endif #if RP_NODE fy = PRF_GRSUM1(fy); #endif /*Dynamic mesh position*/ #if!RP_HOST for (i=0;i<3;i++) { cg[i]=DT_CG(dt)[i]; vcg[i] = DT_VEL_CG(dt)[i]; } Message("Position CG: %f \n",cg[1]); #endif node_to_host_real_2(fy,cg[1]); /*Numerical methods*/ /*Numark-beta*/ real beta = 0.25; real gamma = 0.5; real term0 = (1/(beta*dtime*dtime))*(mass+ad_mass) + (gamma/(beta*dtime))*c; real term1 = (1/(beta*dtime))*(mass+ad_mass) + ((gamma/beta)-1)*c; real term2 = ((1/(2*beta))-1)*(mass+ad_mass) + dtime*((gamma/(2*beta))-1)*c; real Keff = k + term0; real Reff = fy*water_depth + term0*cg[1] + term1*vy + term2*ay; Message("Velocity: %f \n",vy); dy = Reff/Keff - cg[1]; y += dy; real vprev = vy; vy = (gamma/(beta*dtime))*dy + (1-(gamma/beta))*vy + dtime*(1-(gamma/(2*beta)))*ay; ay = (1/(beta*dtime*dtime))*dy - (1/(beta*dtime))*vprev - ((1/(2*beta))-1)*ay; /*Runge-kutta 4th order*/ real K1 = (fy*water_depth - c*vyRK - k*yRK) / total_mass; real K2 = (fy*water_depth - c*(vyRK+dtime*0.5*K1) - k*(yRK+dtime*0.5*vyRK)) / total_mass; real K3 = (fy*water_depth - c*(vyRK+dtime*0.5*K2) - k*(yRK+dtime*0.5*vyRK+dtime*dtime*K1/4)) / total_mass; real K4 = (fy*water_depth - c*(vyRK+dtime*K3) - k*(yRK+dtime*vyRK+dtime*dtime*K1/2)) / total_mass; yRK = yRK + vyRK*dtime + dtime*dtime*(K1 + K2 + K3 + K4)/6; vyRK = vyRK + dtime*(K1 + K2 + K3 + K4)/6; /*Transfer result to the dynamic mesh*/ vel[0] = 0.0; vel[1] = vyRK; /*Save files*/ #if !RP_NODE /*Message ("Force = %f, pos = %f, vel = %f, acc = %f\n", fy, cg[1], y, vy);*/ if(NULL == (outNB = fopen("dataNB1.txt","a"))) { Error("Could not open file for append!\n"); } fprintf(outNB,"%16.4e %12.1f %16.3e %16.7f %16.7f %16.7f \n", ctime,niter, fy , cg[1], y, vy); fclose(outNB); if(NULL == (outRK = fopen("dataRK1.txt","a"))) { Error("Could not open file for append!\n"); } fprintf(outRK,"%16.4e %12.1f %16.3e %16.7f %16.7f %16.7f \n", ctime,niter, fy , cg[1], yRK, vyRK); fclose(outRK); #endif } /*Transfer result to the dynamic mesh*/ vel[0] = 0.0; vel[1] = vyRK; } DEFINE_CG_MOTION(cylinder_1_frontgrid_1,dt,vel,omega,time,dtime) { NV_S(vel, =, 0.0); NV_S(omega, =, 0.0); vel[0]=0.0; vel[1]=vyRK; } DEFINE_CG_MOTION(cylinder_1_overset_2,dt,vel,omega,time,dtime) { NV_S(vel, =, 0.0); NV_S(omega, =, 0.0); vel[0]=0.0; vel[1]=vyRK; } DEFINE_ZONE_MOTION(cylinder_1_zone,omega,axis,origin,velocity,time,dtime) { N3V_D(velocity, =, 0, 0, 0); N3V_S(origin, =, -0.32); N3V_D(axis, =, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); velocity[1]=vyRK; } DEFINE_CG_MOTION(cylinder_2,dt,vel,omega,time,dtime) { real ctime = RP_Get_Real("flow-time"); real ctimestep = RP_Get_Integer("time-step"); real niter = N_ITER; if (current_time2 < ctimestep) { current_time2 = ctimestep; /*Define variables*/ /*Mesh variables*/ real cg[3],vcg[3]; /*Cylinder variables*/ real diameter = 0.063; real fn = 1.0892; real density = 998.2; real length = 1; real water_depth = 1; real mass_ratio = 0.3937; real damping_ratio = 0.01; real mass = mass_ratio*density*pow((0.5*diameter),2)*PI*length; real ad_mass = mass*(0); /*density*pow((0.5*diameter),2)*PI*water_depth;*/ real total_mass = mass + ad_mass; real k = 4*pow((PI*fn),2)*total_mass; real c = 2 * damping_ratio * sqrt(k*total_mass); /*Force calculation. Force = F_pressure + F_viscous*/ real fy = 0.0; real fvy = 0.0; int i; #if !RP_HOST Thread *tc,*thread; Domain *d = Get_Domain(1); face_t f; tc = Lookup_Thread(d,zoneID_2); thread = DT_THREAD(dt); NV_S(vel, =, 0.0); NV_S(omega, =, 0.0); real NV_VEC(A); begin_f_loop(f,tc) { if (PRINCIPAL_FACE_P(f,tc)) { fvy = F_STORAGE_R_N3V(f,tc,SV_WALL_SHEAR)[1]*-1; /*“*-1”表示方向*/ F_AREA(A,f,tc); /*Force calculation with a depth of 1m*/ fy += F_P(f,tc)*A[1] + fvy; } } end_f_loop(f,tc) #endif #if RP_NODE fy = PRF_GRSUM1(fy); #endif /*Dynamic mesh position*/ #if!RP_HOST for (i=0;i<3;i++) { cg[i]=DT_CG(dt)[i]; vcg[i] = DT_VEL_CG(dt)[i]; } Message("Position CG: %f \n",cg[1]); #endif node_to_host_real_2(fy,cg[1]); /*Numerical methods*/ /*Numark-beta*/ real beta = 0.25; real gamma = 0.5; real term0 = (1/(beta*dtime*dtime))*(mass+ad_mass) + (gamma/(beta*dtime))*c; real term1 = (1/(beta*dtime))*(mass+ad_mass) + ((gamma/beta)-1)*c; real term2 = ((1/(2*beta))-1)*(mass+ad_mass) + dtime*((gamma/(2*beta))-1)*c; real Keff = k + term0; real Reff = fy*water_depth + term0*cg[1] + term1*vy2 + term2*ay2; Message("Velocity: %f \n",vy2); dy2 = Reff/Keff - cg[1]; y2 += dy2; real vprev = vy2; vy2 = (gamma/(beta*dtime))*dy2 + (1-(gamma/beta))*vy2 + dtime*(1-(gamma/(2*beta)))*ay2; ay2 = (1/(beta*dtime*dtime))*dy2 - (1/(beta*dtime))*vprev - ((1/(2*beta))-1)*ay2; /*Runge-kutta 4th order*/ real K1 = (fy*water_depth - c*vy2RK - k*yRK) / total_mass; real K2 = (fy*water_depth - c*(vy2RK+dtime*0.5*K1) - k*(y2RK+dtime*0.5*vy2RK)) / total_mass; real K3 = (fy*water_depth - c*(vy2RK+dtime*0.5*K2) - k*(y2RK+dtime*0.5*vy2RK+dtime*dtime*K1/4)) / total_mass; real K4 = (fy*water_depth - c*(vy2RK+dtime*K3) - k*(y2RK+dtime*vy2RK+dtime*dtime*K1/2)) / total_mass; y2RK = y2RK + vy2RK*dtime + dtime*dtime*(K1 + K2 + K3 + K4)/6; vy2RK = vy2RK + dtime*(K1 + K2 + K3 + K4)/6; /*Transfer result to the dynamic mesh*/ vel[0] = 0.0; vel[1] = vy2RK; /*Save files*/ #if !RP_NODE /*Message ("Force = %f, pos = %f, vel = %f, acc = %f\n", fy, cg[1], y, vy);*/ if(NULL == (outNB = fopen("dataNB2.txt","a"))) { Error("Could not open file for append!\n"); } fprintf(outNB,"%16.4e %12.1f %16.3e %16.7f %16.7f %16.7f \n", ctime,niter, fy , cg[1], y2, vy2); fclose(outNB); if(NULL == (outRK = fopen("dataRK2.txt","a"))) { Error("Could not open file for append!\n"); } fprintf(outRK,"%16.4e %12.1f %16.3e %16.7f %16.7f %16.7f \n", ctime,niter, fy , cg[1], y2RK, vy2RK); fclose(outRK); #endif } /*Transfer result to the dynamic mesh*/ vel[0] = 0.0; vel[1] = vy2RK; } DEFINE_CG_MOTION(cylinder_2_frontgrid_1,dt,vel,omega,time,dtime) { NV_S(vel, =, 0.0); NV_S(omega, =, 0.0); vel[0]=0.0; vel[1]=vy2RK; } DEFINE_CG_MOTION(cylinder_2_overset_2,dt,vel,omega,time,dtime) { NV_S(vel, =, 0.0); NV_S(omega, =, 0.0); vel[0]=0.0; vel[1]=vy2RK; } DEFINE_ZONE_MOTION(cylinder_2_zone,omega,axis,origin,velocity,time,dtime) { N3V_D(velocity, =, 0, 0, 0); N3V_S(origin, =, 0.0); N3V_D(axis, =, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); velocity[1]=vy2RK; } DEFINE_CG_MOTION(cylinder_3,dt,vel,omega,time,dtime) { real ctime = RP_Get_Real("flow-time"); real ctimestep = RP_Get_Integer("time-step"); real niter = N_ITER; if (current_time3 < ctimestep) { current_time3 = ctimestep; /*Define variables*/ /*Mesh variables*/ real cg[3],vcg[3]; /*Cylinder variables*/ real diameter = 0.063; real fn = 1.0892; real density = 998.2; real length = 1; real water_depth = 1; real mass_ratio = 0.3937; real damping_ratio = 0.01; real mass = mass_ratio*density*pow((0.5*diameter),2)*PI*length; real ad_mass = mass*(0); /*density*pow((0.5*diameter),2)*PI*water_depth;*/ real total_mass = mass + ad_mass; real k = 4*pow((PI*fn),2)*total_mass; real c = 2 * damping_ratio * sqrt(k*total_mass); /*Force calculation. Force = F_pressure + F_viscous*/ real fy = 0.0; real fvy = 0.0; int i; #if !RP_HOST Thread *tc,*thread; Domain *d = Get_Domain(1); face_t f; tc = Lookup_Thread(d,zoneID_3); thread = DT_THREAD(dt); NV_S(vel, =, 0.0); NV_S(omega, =, 0.0); real NV_VEC(A); begin_f_loop(f,tc) { if (PRINCIPAL_FACE_P(f,tc)) { fvy = F_STORAGE_R_N3V(f,tc,SV_WALL_SHEAR)[1]*-1; /*“*-1”表示方向*/ F_AREA(A,f,tc); /*Force calculation with a depth of 1m*/ fy += F_P(f,tc)*A[1] + fvy; } } end_f_loop(f,tc) #endif #if RP_NODE fy = PRF_GRSUM1(fy); #endif /*Dynamic mesh position*/ #if!RP_HOST for (i=0;i<3;i++) { cg[i]=DT_CG(dt)[i]; vcg[i] = DT_VEL_CG(dt)[i]; } Message("Position CG: %f \n",cg[1]); #endif node_to_host_real_2(fy,cg[1]); /*Numerical methods*/ /*Numark-beta*/ real beta = 0.25; real gamma = 0.5; real term0 = (1/(beta*dtime*dtime))*(mass+ad_mass) + (gamma/(beta*dtime))*c; real term1 = (1/(beta*dtime))*(mass+ad_mass) + ((gamma/beta)-1)*c; real term2 = ((1/(2*beta))-1)*(mass+ad_mass) + dtime*((gamma/(2*beta))-1)*c; real Keff = k + term0; real Reff = fy*water_depth + term0*cg[1] + term1*vy3 + term2*ay3; Message("Velocity: %f \n",vy3); dy3 = Reff/Keff - cg[1]; y3 += dy3; real vprev = vy3; vy3 = (gamma/(beta*dtime))*dy3 + (1-(gamma/beta))*vy3 + dtime*(1-(gamma/(2*beta)))*ay3; ay3 = (1/(beta*dtime*dtime))*dy3 - (1/(beta*dtime))*vprev - ((1/(2*beta))-1)*ay3; /*Runge-kutta 4th order*/ real K1 = (fy*water_depth - c*vy3RK - k*y3RK) / total_mass; real K2 = (fy*water_depth - c*(vy3RK+dtime*0.5*K1) - k*(y3RK+dtime*0.5*vy3RK)) / total_mass; real K3 = (fy*water_depth - c*(vy3RK+dtime*0.5*K2) - k*(y3RK+dtime*0.5*vy3RK+dtime*dtime*K1/4)) / total_mass; real K4 = (fy*water_depth - c*(vy3RK+dtime*K3) - k*(y3RK+dtime*vy3RK+dtime*dtime*K1/2)) / total_mass; y3RK = y3RK + vy3RK*dtime + dtime*dtime*(K1 + K2 + K3 + K4)/6; vy3RK = vy3RK + dtime*(K1 + K2 + K3 + K4)/6; /*Transfer result to the dynamic mesh*/ vel[0] = 0.0; vel[1] = vy3RK; /*Save files*/ #if !RP_NODE /*Message ("Force = %f, pos = %f, vel = %f, acc = %f\n", fy, cg[1], y, vy);*/ if(NULL == (outNB = fopen("dataNB3.txt","a"))) { Error("Could not open file for append!\n"); } fprintf(outNB,"%16.4e %12.1f %16.3e %16.7f %16.7f %16.7f \n", ctime,niter, fy , cg[1], y3, vy3); fclose(outNB); if(NULL == (outRK = fopen("dataRK3.txt","a"))) { Error("Could not open file for append!\n"); } fprintf(outRK,"%16.4e %12.1f %16.3e %16.7f %16.7f %16.7f \n", ctime,niter, fy , cg[1], y3RK, vy3RK); fclose(outRK); #endif } /*Transfer result to the dynamic mesh*/ vel[0] = 0.0; vel[1] = vy3RK; } DEFINE_CG_MOTION(cylinder_3_frontgrid_1,dt,vel,omega,time,dtime) { NV_S(vel, =, 0.0); NV_S(omega, =, 0.0); vel[0]=0.0; vel[1]=vy3RK; } DEFINE_CG_MOTION(cylinder_3_overset_2,dt,vel,omega,time,dtime) { NV_S(vel, =, 0.0); NV_S(omega, =, 0.0); vel[0]=0.0; vel[1]=vy3RK; } DEFINE_ZONE_MOTION(cylinder_3_zone,omega,axis,origin,velocity,time,dtime) { N3V_D(velocity, =, 0, 0, 0); N3V_S(origin, =, 0.32); N3V_D(axis, =, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); velocity[1]=vy3RK; }





  • Fluent S2S辐射模型一步收敛且残差为0

    2 帖子
    413 浏览


  • 流向周期性能量不守恒

    1 帖子
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    我想知道是为啥 :136:

  • 1 帖子
    199 浏览


  • 1 帖子
    251 浏览

    81a56a41-f2c6-4e5c-8504-2cb7df0a1f28-image.png ,我看帮助文档中DPM对droplet的描述是换热、蒸发和沸腾,这都是液滴材料从液相传质到气相,请问能不能实现从气相到液相的传质(就是吸收)?

  • 1 帖子
    237 浏览

    81a56a41-f2c6-4e5c-8504-2cb7df0a1f28-image.png ,我看帮助文档中DPM对droplet的描述是换热、蒸发和沸腾,这都是液滴材料从液相传质到气相,请问能不能实现从气相到液相的传质(就是吸收)?

  • Fluent的计算结果与理论公式值不匹配

    20 帖子
    2k 浏览

    @李东岳 这点我清楚,实际上这么多参数里也就总摩擦系数对不上,其他的基本上全对上了。LES的话得在文献里是说在入口用vortex method施加扰动,而且模拟的是有肋的,所以基本上不担心涡的问题。流向周期性的模型也可以在RANS模拟之后用TUI命令施加扰动,之前试过了涡能长期存在,不过那个case没算完结果对不对就不清楚了。

  • fluent燃料电池电流不稳定

    7 帖子
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    @羽之下 谢谢