- kinematicCloudProperties
中设置coupled true
是否就直接将four way coupling改为one way了,还需要进行其他修改吗? - kinematicCloudProperties
中Initial parcel/particle velocity U0
air inlet velocity是用codedFixedValue
code #{ const fvPatch& boundaryPatch = this->patch(); vectorField v = boundaryPatch.Cf(); //scalar xmax = max(patch().Cf()&vector(1,0,0)); //scalar xmin = min(patch().Cf()&vector(1,0,0)); //scalar zmax = max(patch().Cf()&vector(0,0,1)); //scalar zmin = min(patch().Cf()&vector(0,0,1)); scalar rmax = 5.45e-4; scalar vmax = 1.0465;//Q = 60 vmax = 1.0465; Q = 120 vmax = 2.0931 //Info<<"xmax="<<xmax<<nl; forAll(boundaryPatch, faceI) { //spatial coordinates, type: scalar scalar x = boundaryPatch.Cf()[faceI].x(); //scalar y = Cf[faceI].y(); scalar z = boundaryPatch.Cf()[faceI].z(); v[faceI] = vector(0, vmax*(sqr(rmax)-sqr(x)-sqr(z))*1e06, 0); } operator==(v); #};
- kinematicCloudProperties
是什么呢?如何进行设置? - 能否在kinematicCloudProperties
中设置点云出现概率与速度分布呈正比呢?如果不行能否在每次求解完成后更新injection point cloud? - fvSolution文件中求解器的使用是否对solution cost和converge有影响,之前做纯气流用GAMG比较多,其他的求解器基本没有接触过,目前求解器是这样设置的:
solvers { "(p|kinematicCloud:theta)" { solver PCG; preconditioner DIC; tolerance 1e-06; relTol 0.01; smoother GaussSeidel; } "(p|kinematicCloud:theta)Final" { solver PCG; preconditioner DIC; tolerance 1e-06; //relTol 0.01; smoother GaussSeidel; } "(U.air|k.air|epsilon.air)" { solver PBiCGStab; preconditioner DILU; smoother symGaussSeidel; tolerance 1e-05; relTol 0.1; } "(U.air|k.air|epsilon.air)Final" { solver PBiCGStab; preconditioner DILU; tolerance 1e-05; relTol 0; } }
- kinematicCloudProperties
@upc_ngh 目前我看到的资料是这样说的,设置为false就是one way,具体couple的源代码我没去细看。
From http://cfdyna.com/Home/of_multiPhase.html
One-way coupling or uncoupled approach: fluid → particles - this is appropriate only with very dilute concentration (< 0.01% volume fraction) of particles and has no significant effect on turbulence. The flow field is calculated assuming no presence of particle - fixed continuous phase flow field (that is before the particles is injected into the flow) and tracked as they injected into the flow. The particles does not interact with any other particles during its track throughout the flow domain.
Two-way coupling: fluid ↔ particles - this coupling becomes important when the volume fraction of particles is in the range 0.01% - 10% and affects both dissipation and production of TKE. The flow of fluid is necessarily solved along with the movement for Lagrangian particles. This is enabled in ANSYS FLUENT by switching on "Interaction with Continuous Phase" option in the Discrete Phase Model dialog box. To control the frequency at which the particles are tracked and the DPM sources are updated, "Number of Continuous Phase Iterations per DPM Iteration" option exists. Option "Update DPM Sources Every Flow Iteration" is available for unsteady simulations.
Four-way coupling: fluid ↔ particles + particle collisions: the particle - particle interaction becomes important if volume fraction of particles is > 10%. Note that the mass fraction can be still higher due to large difference in the densities of the solid and gas / liquid.