在 system/fvOptions 中添加了 vectorCodedSource类型的源项,并参考了 网站链接 的方法设置了源项。根据报错信息,初步确定是添加源项的量纲出了问题。请高手指点,如何解决这个问题
--> FOAM FATAL ERROR: (openfoam-2206) Not implemented From virtual void Foam::fv::codedMomentumSourceFvOptionvectorSource::addSup(const volScalarField&, Foam::fvMatrix<Foam::Vector<double> >&, Foam::label)
codedSource { type vectorCodedSource; active true; name codedMomentumSource; // selectionMode all; selectionMode cellSet; cellSet myUSourceCellsSet; // 可以用 topoSet 定义的 cellSet fields ( U ); codeAddSup #{ // https://www.cfd-china.com/topic/3255/%E5%88%86%E5%8C%BA%E7%BD%91%E6%A0%BC%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%80%E5%B0%8F%E6%AE%B5%E4%BB%A3%E7%A0%81?_=1731583465684 Info << "++++From codedSource in fvOptions" << nl; const label cellZoneID = mesh().cellZones().findZoneID("myUSourceCellsSet"); // find ID for the cellZone "BANANA" const cellZone& zone = mesh().cellZones()[cellZoneID]; const cellZoneMesh& zoneMesh = zone.zoneMesh(); const labelList& cellsZone = zoneMesh[cellZoneID]; //list of all cellZone cell ID's const Time& time = mesh().time(); const scalarField& V = mesh_.V(); // Cell volume Foam::Field<Foam::Vector<double> >& USource = eqn.source(); // get source from fvMatrix //scalarField & Udiag = eqn.diag(); // get diagonal of fvMatrix const scalarField& rho = mesh().lookupObject<scalarField>("rho"); // get density field const vector g (0, 0, -9.81); // gravitational vector forAll(cellsZone,i) { const label celli = cellsZone[i]; // USource[celli] -= rho[celli]*g/V[celli] * sin(time.value()); USource[celli] = sin(time.value()); } #}; // chatGPT 的解决方案 + CFD-online解决方案 // codeAddSup // #{ // Info << "++++From codedSource in fvOptions" << nl; // const scalarField& V = mesh_.V(); // vectorField& USource = eqn.source(); // const scalarField& cellx = mesh_.C().component(0) ; // const scalarField& celly = mesh_.C().component(1) ; // forAll(USource, cellI) // { // Info << "cellI = " << cellI << nl; // // scalar v1 = 512*( 2*pow(cellx[i],6) - 6*pow(cellx[i],5) + 7*pow(cellx[i],4) // // - 4*pow(cellx[i],3) + pow(cellx[i],2))*pow(celly[i],7) ; // // // .... and the other 9 scalars // // // Please ADD to the source, don't overwrite it. // // // Overwriting it means you don't care about source terms in // // // DESCRETISATION OPERATORS (laplacian, div ...) // USource[cellI][0] += 1.0 * USource[cellI][1]; // } // #}; codeInclude #{ #include "fvCFD.H" #}; codeCorrect #{ // Use Correct to make adjustments to the U values after they get calculated Info << "++++codeCorrect" << nl; #}; codeConstrain #{ // Use Constrain to modify the U equation before it gets solved Info << "++++codeConstrain" << nl; #}; }
//- Explicit/implicit matrix contributions virtual void addSup ( fvMatrix<Type>& eqn, const label fieldi ); //- Explicit/implicit matrix contributions to compressible equation virtual void addSup ( const volScalarField& rho, fvMatrix<Type>& eqn, const label fieldi );
加源项的时候,这个源项的表达式好像有点问题,比如下面添加vectorSemiImplicitSource的时候源项是( (299.4600 0 0) 0)而不是(299.4600 0 0)。原因是加入的源项表达式为:
标量源项的代码也是这么写的:injectionRateSuSp { variable_name (Sc Sp); }
momentumSource { type vectorSemiImplicitSource; active on; vectorSemiImplicitSourceCoeffs { selectionMode all; //volumeMode absolute; // specific volumeMode specific; injectionRateSuSp { U ( (299.4600 0 0) 0); //partial p / partial x } } }
有一个问题是感觉并不需要乘以cell的体积。官方给的文档里面是有乘以体积的,但这个网页就很迷惑,https://www.openfoam.com/documentation/guides/v2012/doc/guide-fvoptions-sources-coded.html ,上面的表达式是除以体积,下面的代码又是乘以体积了。找到一个人的注释 https://xiaopingqiu.github.io/2016/03/20/fvOptions2/// fvMatrix<Type> 类中对“+=”操作符进行了重载,所以,eqn与Su的相加,相当于eqn+Su*mesh.V(),要不然eqn与Su的量纲不一致。
eqn += Su + fvm::SuSp(Sp, psi);所以还是要乘以体积。
//fvModels如下指定 USource { type coded; selectionMode all; field U; codeAddSup #{ const volVectorField& U = eqn.psi(); vectorField& USource = eqn.source(); const fvMesh& mesh = U.mesh(); const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>& V = mesh.V(); const volVectorField& C = mesh.C(); scalar A = 0.919; scalar Cd = 0.15; forAll(U, i) { vector position = C[i]; scalar pz = position.z(); if (pz < 10.0) { USource[i] -= -Cd*A*mag(U[i])*U[i]*V[i]; } } #}; }
http://dyfluid.com/code.html 最下面
const scalarField& V = mesh.V(); // 网格体积 const surfaceVectorField& Sf = mesh.Sf(); // 网格面矢量 const surfaceVectorField& Cf = mesh.Cf(); // 网格面心位置 const surfaceScalarField& magSf = mesh.magSf(); // 网格面积的模 const surfaceVectorField& N = Sf/magSf; // 网格面法向量 const label& nCells = mesh.nCells(); // 网格单元数量 const label& nInternalFaces = mesh.nInternalFaces(); // 网格内部面数量 const meshCellZones& cellZones = mesh.cellZones(); // 网格cellZone编号 wordList zoneNames = mesh.cellZones().names(); // 网格cellZone的名字 label zoneI = mesh.cellZones().whichZone(celli); // 判断celli在哪个cellZone里 label i = cellZones[0][i]; // 网格cellZone[0]的真实网格编号 const fvPatchList& patches = mesh.boundary(); // 边界网格,是一系列patch的集合 const polyBoundaryMesh& boundaryMesh = mesh.boundaryMesh(); // 边界网格,是一系列patch的集合 const label patchID = boundaryMesh.findPatchID("inlet"); // inlet边界的ID volScalarField S(magSqr(symm(tgradU()))); // 形变率的双点积 tmp<volTensorField> tgradU = fvc::grad(U);
codedSource { type vectorCodedSource; name sourceTime; selectionMode cellSet; cellSet myUSourceCellsZoneSet; fields ( U ); codeAddSup #{ const vectorField& C = mesh_.C(); const scalarField& V = mesh_.V(); vectorField& Usource = eqn.source(); forAll(C, i) { // Info << "cellI = " << i << nl; const scalar y = C[i][0]; const scalar vol = V[i]; const scalar fx = vol * 1.0; Usource[i] -= vector(1.0, 0, 0); } Info << "***codeAddSup***" << nl; #}; codeConstrain #{ #}; codeCorrect #{ #}; }
@李东岳 我想确认一下,7楼的代码真的在2206上运行成功了吗?谢谢
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