@李东岳 李老师好,您那边有discrete bubble model的代码吗
@ZhangMengYi 没有,好像只见过Deen那面搞过,不知道他们能不能给你
Dear Master LiThank you very much for this summary. I will lern from it how to continue the development of a debris flow solver that uses Eulerian VOF for air and two mixing fluids (clay-silt-sand suspension and fine gravel) and 2-way coupled Lagrangian particles for coarser gravel. It is a variation of interMixingFoam (called debrisInterMixing) combined with DPMFoam (called debrisInterMixLP).
I have one question: You stated that the Euler-Lagrange-Algorithmus is good but expensive. I would like to know your opinion, if I may implement two kinematic clouds in DPMFoam, one that accounts for particle collisions (larger stones but smaller than gridsize) and one that only accounts particle-wall collisions (many gravel particles). This way, I could model erosion...
Thank you for any comment on this
Albrecht v.Boetticher -
if I may implement two kinematic clouds in DPMFoam, one that accounts for particle collisions (larger stones but smaller than gridsize) and one that only accounts particle-wall collisions (many gravel particles). This way, I could model erosion..."
Dear Albrecht,
Thanks for your comments. The E-L algorithmn is expensive since it needs to track the lagrangian particles. So it depends on your particles' number. From what you've written, it looks you are on your right way doing this.