再者由于fixed value条件一般会导致脉动风压误差变大,所以想在FOAM中运用outflow出口的时候,在foam里面一设置就会出现错误。让我用potentialfoam初始化,但是该种情况下,最终的结果也会发散。有朋友清楚该种问题是什么情况吗?
谢谢大家。 -
@李东岳 李老师您好,采用的是pisofoam算法,求解器p用的是GAMG,U用的是PBICG。湍流模型LES-WALE,使用的是fluentmeshing生成的多面体网格。该网格在fluent中已经运算过,得到的结果很不错。来到FOAM罢工了。个人估计是边界层的问题,模型尺寸为0.1m0.1m0.1m,整个计算域尺寸为8m4m1.6m。我的建筑面面网格的尺寸是0.002m,为了满足y+<1,建筑表面的边界层网格厚度是0.00005m。地面厚度的全局最大尺寸为0.05m,地面边界层网格的厚度是0.0005m。也曾在一篇帖子下发现您推荐的snappyHexMesh,但是生成质量不佳,有时候甚至边界层网格无法生成。目前用OpenFOAM做LES建筑风荷载的文献也没怎么查到,导致困在这了
\*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class volVectorField; location "1"; object U; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // dimensions [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform (0 0 0); boundaryField { inlet { type timeVaryingMappedFixedValue; offset (0 0 0); setAverage off; } outlet { type zeroGradient; } upperwall { type symmetry; } bottom { type noSlip; } symmetry { type symmetry; } building { type noSlip; } }
// ************************************************************************* // /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: v2012 | | \\ / A nd | Website: www.openfoam.com | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class volScalarField; location "1"; object p; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // dimensions [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { inlet { type zeroGradient; } outlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 0; //type zeroGradient; } upperwall { type symmetry; } bottom { type zeroGradient; } symmetry { type symmetry; } building { type zeroGradient; } }
// ************************************************************************* // /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: v2012 | | \\ / A nd | Website: www.openfoam.com | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class volScalarField; location "1"; object nut; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // dimensions [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { inlet { type calculated; value uniform 0; } outlet { type calculated; value uniform 0; } upperwall { type symmetry; } bottom { type nutUSpaldingWallFunction; value $internalField; //type fixedValue; //value uniform 0; } symmetry { type symmetry; } building { type nutUSpaldingWallFunction; value $internalField; //type fixedValue; //value uniform 0; } }
// ************************************************************************* // /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: v2012 | | \\ / A nd | Website: www.openfoam.com | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; location "constant"; object turbulenceProperties; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // simulationType LES; LES { LESModel WALE; turbulence on; printCoeffs on; delta cubeRootVol; cubeRootVolCoeffs { deltaCoeff 1; } PrandtlCoeffs { delta cubeRootVol; cubeRootVolCoeffs { deltaCoeff 1; } smoothCoeffs { delta cubeRootVol; cubeRootVolCoeffs { deltaCoeff 1; } maxDeltaRatio 1.1; } Cdelta 0.158; } vanDriestCoeffs { delta cubeRootVol; cubeRootVolCoeffs { deltaCoeff 1; } smoothCoeffs { delta cubeRootVol; cubeRootVolCoeffs { deltaCoeff 1; } maxDeltaRatio 1.1; } Aplus 26; Cdelta 0.158; } smoothCoeffs { delta cubeRootVol; cubeRootVolCoeffs { deltaCoeff 1; } maxDeltaRatio 1.1; } }
// ************************************************************************* // /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 4.x | | \\ / A nd | Web: www.OpenFOAM.org | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; location "system"; object fvSchemes; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // //shijianyijiedushuxiang ddtSchemes // { default backward; } //tidu gradSchemes { default Gauss linear; //grad(nuTilda) cellLimited Gauss linear 1; //grad(U) cellLimited Gauss linear 1; //grad(P) Gauss linear; } //sandduxiang divSchemes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// { default none; div(phi,U) bounded Gauss linearUpwind grad(U); div(phi,k) bounded Gauss linearUpwind grad(k); div(phi,B) bounded Gauss linearUpwind grad(B); div(phi,omega) bounded Gauss linearUpwind grad(omega); div(phi,B) bounded Gauss linear; //div(phi,nuTilda) Gauss limitedLinear 1; div((nuEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear; } laplacianSchemes // { default Gauss linear limited corrected 0.33; } interpolationSchemes // { default linear; } snGradSchemes // { default limited corrected 0.33; } wallDist { method meshWave; }
// ************************************************************************* // /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 4.x | | \\ / A nd | Web: www.OpenFOAM.org | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; location "system"; object fvSolution; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // solvers { p { solver GAMG; tolerance 1e-6; relTol 0.1; smoother GaussSeidel; //nCellsInCoarsestLevel 50; } pFinal { $p; tolerance 1e-6; relTol 0; } U { solver PBiCG; preconditioner DILU; tolerance 1e-6; relTol 0.05; } UFinal { solver PBiCG; preconditioner DILU; tolerance 1e-6; relTol 0; } } PISO { nCorrectors 3; nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 1; //pRefCell 0; pRefPoint (2 0 1.5); pRefValue 0; } relaxationFactors { fields { p 0.3; } equations { U 1; } //"U.*" 0.5; //"nuTilda.*" 1; } // ************************************************************************* //
snappyHexMeshDict 中把snap 和 add 关掉,就会生成结构化的六面体网格,网格质量会号很多, 只需要有stl文件即可.
// Which of the steps to run castellatedMesh true; snap false; addLayers false; geometry { flange11.stl { type triSurfaceMesh; name flange11; }
solid flange facet normal 0 0 -1 outer loop vertex 0.170 0.000 0.230 vertex 0.170 0.020 0.230 vertex 0.190 0.020 0.230 endloop endfacet facet normal 0 0 -1 outer loop vertex 0.170 0.000 0.230 vertex 0.190 0.020 0.230 vertex 0.190 0.000 0.230 endloop endfacet facet normal -1 0 0 outer loop vertex 0.170 0.000 0.230 vertex 0.170 0.000 0.210 vertex 0.170 0.020 0.210 endloop endfacet facet normal -1 0 0 outer loop vertex 0.170 0.000 0.230 vertex 0.170 0.020 0.210 vertex 0.170 0.020 0.230 endloop endfacet facet normal 0 -1 0 outer loop vertex 0.170 0.000 0.230 vertex 0.190 0.000 0.210 vertex 0.190 0.000 0.230 endloop endfacet facet normal 0 -1 0 outer loop vertex 0.170 0.000 0.230 vertex 0.190 0.000 0.210 vertex 0.170 0.000 0.210 endloop endfacet facet normal 0 0 1 outer loop vertex 0.170 0.000 0.210 vertex 0.190 0.000 0.210 vertex 0.190 0.020 0.210 endloop endfacet facet normal 0 0 1 outer loop vertex 0.170 0.000 0.210 vertex 0.190 0.020 0.210 vertex 0.170 0.020 0.210 endloop endfacet facet normal 1 0 0 outer loop vertex 0.190 0.000 0.230 vertex 0.190 0.020 0.230 vertex 0.190 0.020 0.210 endloop endfacet facet normal 1 0 0 outer loop vertex 0.190 0.000 0.230 vertex 0.190 0.020 0.210 vertex 0.190 0.000 0.210 endloop endfacet facet normal 0 1 0 outer loop vertex 0.170 0.020 0.230 vertex 0.170 0.020 0.210 vertex 0.190 0.020 0.210 endloop endfacet facet normal 0 1 0 outer loop vertex 0.170 0.020 0.230 vertex 0.190 0.020 0.230 vertex 0.190 0.020 0.210 endloop endfacet endsolid flange
@hitsc30 如果你提到的边界层指的是wall周围的对数区以下的粘性子层和buffer layer的话。可以有两种方式,一种是wall model LES,通过壁面模型来调nut,这时第一层网格在y+=30 即可。另一种是wall resolved LES,这种情况只能加密网格。blockmesh和shm都可以加密网格,blockmesh可以控制aspect ratio来加密,shm是4等分加密。这种情况下如果要resolve到粘性子层(viscous sublayer),需要在y+<5 以内至少有三个点,也就是第一点y+<1.
@hitsc30 你这个涉及的东西有点多,排查起来会比较复杂。首先建议抛开fluent里的设置,因为大涡模拟这块openfoam和fluent差的还有点多。
其次是入口条件。openfoam大涡模拟的入口条件这块是不如fluent的vortex method的,fluent的很好用,不怎么发散,生成的湍流也很强。我看你用的是timeVaryingMappedFixedValue,这是用的实验数据或者测试数据吗?你fluent是怎么用的?
@gtian 在 钝体建筑扰流的大涡模拟 中说:
@hitsc30 如果你提到的边界层指的是wall周围的对数区以下的粘性子层和buffer layer的话。可以有两种方式,一种是wall model LES,通过壁面模型来调nut,这时第一层网格在y+=30 即可。另一种是wall resolved LES,这种情况只能加密网格。blockmesh和shm都可以加密网格,blockmesh可以控制aspect ratio来加密,shm是4等分加密。这种情况下如果要resolve到粘性子层(viscous sublayer),需要在y+<5 以内至少有三个点,也就是第一点y+<1.
感谢回复,这个确实可以在后续重点突击一下。此前我曾用blockmesh做网格背景、snappyhexmesh加密做过一个网格。当时我得到的计算值也和我用fluentmeshing商软所做的商业网格差不太多,没太考虑网格的质量。您提出的这个是我当前需要考虑的一个方向。我当前觉得目前比较影响我接过的可能是离散格式,在这方面的知识储备非常的欠缺,只能选一些高阶离散格式,可能对结果有不小的影响。 -
@cccrrryyy 您好,感谢回复。目前接触到的在openfoam中做建筑风荷载模拟的论文主要是tamura教授在北京交通大学和重庆大学领导的学科组推出来的,都采用的是pisofoam算法。湍流风入口是由CDRFG方法生成的,在中文网有个帖子谈论过这种植入。也咨询过北交的师兄,他们植入的CDRFG算法也是类似的植入,该方法应该是没有问题的。
ps:感觉foam计算y+很奇怪,我的边界层网格每次改变的不少,感觉y+变化趋势和我想的南辕北辙。 -
y+ 的理解不复杂,看code需要一点点的耐心就可以。我给你贴一下yPlusLES。if (isA<wallFvPatch>(currPatch)) { yPlus.boundaryField()[patchi] = d[patchi] *sqrt ( nuEff.boundaryField()[patchi] *mag(U.boundaryField()[patchi].snGrad()) ) /nuLam.boundaryField()[patchi]; const scalarField& Yp = yPlus.boundaryField()[patchi]; Info<< "Patch " << patchi << " named " << currPatch.name() << " y+ : min: " << gMin(Yp) << " max: " << gMax(Yp) << " average: " << gAverage(Yp) << nl << endl; }

if (isA<wallFvPatch>(currPatch)) { frictionvelocityLES.boundaryField()[patchi] = sqrt ( nuEff.boundaryField()[patchi] *mag(U.boundaryField()[patchi].snGrad()) ); const scalarField& Yp = frictionvelocityLES.boundaryField()[patchi]; Info<< "Patch " << patchi << " named " << currPatch.name() << " friction velocity u* : min: " << gMin(Yp) << " max: " << gMax(Yp) << " average: " << gAverage(Yp) << nl << endl; Info<< "Patch " << patchi << " named " << currPatch.name() << "nuLam : min: " << gMin(nuLam) << " max: " << gMax(nuLam) << " average: " << gAverage(nuLam) << nl << endl; Info<< "Patch " << patchi << " named " << currPatch.name() << "d : min: " << gMin(d) << " max: " << gMax(d) << " average: " << gAverage(d) << nl << endl; }
近壁面第一层网格的话 ,d= 0.5* 第一个cell的长度. du/dy = (u_infty - 0)/ (d-0)
nuefff = nu (层流 laminar) + nut(wall 上 nut =0 或者是你给的壁面模型的值)我给的nut在壁面上就是0.
object nuSgs; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // dimensions [ 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { bottomWall { type fixedValue; value uniform 0; }
@gtian 在 钝体建筑扰流的大涡模拟 中说:
y+ 的理解不复杂,看code需要一点点的耐心就可以。我给你贴一下yPlusLES。if (isA<wallFvPatch>(currPatch)) { yPlus.boundaryField()[patchi] = d[patchi] *sqrt ( nuEff.boundaryField()[patchi] *mag(U.boundaryField()[patchi].snGrad()) ) /nuLam.boundaryField()[patchi]; const scalarField& Yp = yPlus.boundaryField()[patchi]; Info<< "Patch " << patchi << " named " << currPatch.name() << " y+ : min: " << gMin(Yp) << " max: " << gMax(Yp) << " average: " << gAverage(Yp) << nl << endl; }

if (isA<wallFvPatch>(currPatch)) { frictionvelocityLES.boundaryField()[patchi] = sqrt ( nuEff.boundaryField()[patchi] *mag(U.boundaryField()[patchi].snGrad()) ); const scalarField& Yp = frictionvelocityLES.boundaryField()[patchi]; Info<< "Patch " << patchi << " named " << currPatch.name() << " friction velocity u* : min: " << gMin(Yp) << " max: " << gMax(Yp) << " average: " << gAverage(Yp) << nl << endl; Info<< "Patch " << patchi << " named " << currPatch.name() << "nuLam : min: " << gMin(nuLam) << " max: " << gMax(nuLam) << " average: " << gAverage(nuLam) << nl << endl; Info<< "Patch " << patchi << " named " << currPatch.name() << "d : min: " << gMin(d) << " max: " << gMax(d) << " average: " << gAverage(d) << nl << endl; }
近壁面第一层网格的话 ,d= 0.5* 第一个cell的长度. du/dy = (u_infty - 0)/ (d-0)
nuefff = nu (层流 laminar) + nut(wall 上 nut =0 或者是你给的壁面模型的值)我给的nut在壁面上就是0.
object nuSgs; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // dimensions [ 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { bottomWall { type fixedValue; value uniform 0; }