我怀疑是不是我改了桌面,我最近把桌面改成了lightdm,不知道是不是这个原因。。 -
@Samuel-Tu 之前也遇到过这个问题,貌似是和独显集显相关的,paraview得用独显,可能是设置的过程被禁用了
@Samuel-Tu 具体忘了,网上搜下吧,可以设置每个软件调用独显还是集显
设置独显和集显的方法,大家又链接推荐下吗,搜到的都没有用。。。 -
gdm 是桌面管理系统,不是桌面。就是 gdm 是用来选用哪个桌面的,只在登录界面是用到。实际桌面是 gnome-shell 或者 gnome-panel 之类的。
如果确定切回 gnome 桌面了,再新建个用户,用新用户开 paraview ,确定不被历史配置文件影响。新用户下还不行,就去 paraview 官网下载最新版二进制包。
linux 的独显驱动是个很麻烦很麻烦的事情,如果是 nvidia 的,搜搜bumblebee,就是变形金刚里面的大黄蜂的英文名。这个还算简洁的。非常取决于你的具体环境,步骤比较多,还要修改系统配置文件啥的。
如果翻不了墙,用 bing 的国际版搜,把你的问题用英文描述,stackoverflow 或者 linux 发行版的论坛 ,比如 ubuntu 论坛的质量比较高。
I was facing black screen error when I open ParaView 5.6.0 in Ubuntu 18.04. The issue is NOT WITH PARAVIEW at all. It's an issue with the graphics card. Basically what's happening is that paraview is loading correctly but is not getting rendered on the screen.For me, it was resolved by updating the graphics driver. The procedure is as discussed below:
I'm using a HP Z2 PC with NVIDIA Graphics card. Just needed to install the latest NVIDIA graphics driver and the paraview started working like a charm:
- Open "Softwares and Updates" window from the Applications
- Go to "Additional Drivers" tab. It will show a list of drivers
- Choose the latest driver for NVIDIA and click on "Apply Changes". For me, it was nvidia-driver-430.
- It will show a prompt for a secure boot password. Basically, this is an additional layer of security to allow proprietary software (such as this driver) to load everytime you logon.
- After installation, reboot the system. It will take you to MOK Manager.
- Click on "Change Secure Boot State" and then "Enroll key" and enter the secure boot password you've set while installing the driver. This step needs to be done only the first time you reboot after driver installation.
- After the reboot, check the current driver: Settings> Details> About. The graphics information should now be updated.
For more info on updating the graphics, check the page:
sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
重启后进入perform mok management界面
选择enrol mok
选择enrol the key
开始在perform mok management界面选错了,一度黑屏,吓得我以为要重装系统了,所有数据全部会丢失。好在我一波挽狂澜于即倒,ctrl+alt+F2进入命令行模式,重新按【干货】操作了了一波,成功改过显卡。。所以没把握千万别乱动系统显卡。。差点完蛋,吓得我赶紧把所有数据代码拷贝到我的移动硬盘里。。 -
@Samuel-Tu 太有用了!!!不过我只进行了第一步sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall后面重启没有进入其他页面,但是问题也解决了!!